Re: Poczatki zmierzchu Windows NT

Autor: Jarek Lis (
Data: Wed 11 Dec 1996 - 15:58:43 MET

Gregorio Kus <Grego_at_RMnet.IT> wrote:
: >On Tue, 10 Dec 1996 09:45:39 +0100, Grzegorz Szyszlo wrote:
: >>Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, IBM i Digital Equipment prawdopodobnie nie beda
: >>oferowac wlasnego sprzetu komputerowego z procesorami Intela w powiazaniu
: >>z sieciowym systemem operacyjnym Windows NT.
: >
: znalazlem w archiwach InfoWorld Electric na web'ie

Grego - stokrotne dzieki - moze troche wyprostujesz te dyskusje.
A teraz:
" ... Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, and Digital will not bundle the OS
 with their hardware. They claim this will benefit customers, but they
 may be more motivated by the rising cost of supporting NT.
 All of the companies will continue to provide drivers and utilities for
 loading NT, but service and support for the OS will now be fielded
 primarily by Microsoft or resellers, the vendors said. "

Innymi slowy - servery w/w firm z kompletem CD z roznymi systemami, NT
juz nie beda zawieraly. Co nie znaczy, ze NT nie bedzie dzialac.
Bedzie, tylko ze na telefon do supportu "mam nastepujacy problem z NT..."
uslyszy sie "kupil go Pan od Nas? To prosze dzwonic do MS, nasze servery
sa niezawodne".
Ja ich rozumiem - caly support zajety problemami z NT, zupelnie nie
zwiazanymi z hardwarem - to kosztuje.

Tylko wy sie zajace nie cieszcie:

"Some vendors said customers will be able to negotiate better deals directly
from Microsoft."

Czyli MS NT pewnie bedzie tansze.

"manager of IBM's PC server division, in Somers, N.Y. Colton cited users'
 ability to custom-configure NT to meet specific needs and also get
 better prices from Microsoft. [...]
 For its part, HP is now offering the NT OS only with pre-configured
 solutions, such as its recently introduced NetServer Web Master
 targeted toward small businesses. "

Czyli inne systemy przyjda na CD, i trzeba fachowca zeby je zainstalowal,
a NT na CD nie ma, ale mozna zamowic server z NT juz fachowo

"..Meanwhile, other vendors, including Dell and AST Research, are
 continuing to bundle the OS with their systems, citing user demand
 for a pre-configured solution.
 Dell loads NT on 75 percent of the servers it sells, said Lary Evans,
      ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
 vice president and general manager of Dell's server group, in Austin,

To dla tych, co maja watpliwosci czy pociag z NT ruszyl juz z miejsca.
Drobna watpliwosc, to na ile MS jest sponsorem powyzszego akapitu.


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