Fwd: eCS NewsCast: eComStation Demo at the Hong Kong OS/2 User Group

Autor: Przemyslaw Dobrowolski (dobrawka_at_asua.org.pl)
Data: Wed 25 Jul 2001 - 23:12:58 MET DST

A my? Lewhoo?
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Serenity Systems will be presenting eComStation to the Hong Kong OS/2 User Group

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*Przemek/2* - dobrawka_at_asua.org.pl - ICQ: 18642806
Asua Programmers http://www.asua.org.pl
TeamOS/2pl http://www.teamos2.org.pl
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To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Tue 18 May 2004 - 15:33:09 MET DST