Fixpack 13 (wiadomosci)

Autor: Przemyslaw Dobrowolski (
Data: Fri 21 Jan 2000 - 09:51:41 MET

--- z os2bbs:
According to the rumor mill, FixPak 13 for Warp 4 and FixPak 1 for Aurora are currently
in testing. They should be released by the end of January. They should contain fixes
for GRADD-related PMMERGE problems, and the Aurora FixPak should contain
several kernel and JFS fixes. It seems that FixPak 13 will update the base level of OS/2
to version 4.50, rev 14.040, to make a common base with Aurora. Unfortunately, that
unification does not include the larger memory support, or SMP.

I tak się zastanawiam, jak to będzie jeśli Warp4 z Fixpackiem 13 będzie zgodny z 
Aurorą to dlaczego by nie ściągnąć też fixpacka od Aurory i popróbować podmienić 
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