Postgres SQL

Autor: Marcin P. Ciaszczyk (
Data: Thu 30 Dec 1999 - 12:19:34 MET

Postgres SQL 6.5.3
skrypcik (nie rexxowy - zwykly 'bacik')
W trakcie wykonywania operacji:
psql -c "select count(pole) from tabela where pole='wartosc'"
psql -c "delete from tabela where pole='wartosc'" -t
psql -c "insert into tabela (pole,inne_pole) values
('wartosc','zmieniona_wartosc')" -t
Dostaje komunikat
pqReadData() -- backend closed the channel unexpectedly.
        This probably means the backend terminated abnormally
        before or while processing the request.

Co jest w miare zrozumiale, bo postmaster mowi, ze

IpcMemoryCreate: shmget failed (Protocol not supported) key=5432107,
SISegmentGet: failed: Protocol not supported
FATAL 1: CreateSharedInvalidationState: failed segment init
NOTICE: IpcMemoryDetach: shmdt(0xe160000): Invalid argument

Process terminated by SIGSEGV
a pozniej:

IpcMemoryCreate: shmget failed (Protocol not supported) key=5432110,
size=120, permission=700
IpcMemoryIdGet: shmget failed (Protocol not supported) key=5432110,
size=120, permission=0
IpcMemoryAttach: shmat failed (Invalid argument) id=-2
FATAL 1: AttachSLockMemory: could not attach segment
NOTICE: IpcMemoryDetach: shmdt(0xe160000): Invalid argument
NOTICE: IPCPrivateMemoryKill: shmctl(2, 0, 0) failed: Protocol not

Jakies propozycje ?

Czy istnieje nieinteraktywny klient do mysql-a ?
"mysql [baza] -e |--execute= " nie dziala tak, jakbym lubil ..
Ihsahn ?

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