Fwd: [win32os2-wai] Re: [opera-os2] A [text] screenshot

Autor: Przemyslaw Dobrowolski (dobrawka_at_asua.org.pl)
Data: Sat 09 Oct 1999 - 19:01:33 MET DST

==================BEGIN FORWARDED MESSAGE==================
>From: "Yuri Dario" <mc6530_at_mclink.it>
>To: "opera-os2_at_egroups.com" <opera-os2_at_egroups.com>
>Cc: "Odin WAI" <win32os2-wai_at_egroups.com>
>Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 16:25:38 +0200 (CDT)


>I am very hapy with your progress. If possible, please post screenshots
>every time something new is visible - we like those pictures a lot :-)

ok, tell me something about this one

        http://www.quasarbbs.com/yuri/opera2.jpg (75KB)


As you can see, entry fields aren't drawing properly. Also it has a bad
M$ look&feel: what about an OS/2 Warp look&feel?

>Also please verify each fix that someone makes and see if it does not
>break your Opera. That has always been a big problem in the past and we
>need to do regression tests to ensure real progress.

yes, that's a problem.

>BTW: Are you familiar with user32 now? I think that is the place where you
>have to fix all the problems and enhance the code!

right, already found a bug in mdi code.


        Yuri Dario

 * member of TeamOS/2 - Italy
 * http://www.quasarbbs.com/yuri


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*Przemek/2* - dobrawka_at_asua.org.pl
Asua Programmers http://www.asua.org.pl
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