FWD: Weasel 0.85 now available

Autor: Grzegorz Szyszlo (znik_at_avalon.wbc.lublin.pl)
Data: Wed 16 Jun 1999 - 00:13:42 MET DST

Sprobuje pomeczyc nowa wersje weasela. ale to dopiero za 2 dni.
jak wszystko dobrze pojdzie (autor wreszcie poprawil forwardowanie),
to bedzie mozliwe zakladanie forwardow w ramach domeny teamu.


I am now uploading the new version of Weasel to my server. You can get
it via the web page in my signature, or at


Version 0.85
   Timeout on remote host when sending mail.
   Now running 4 threads for outbound mail.
   Minor fix to reading mailroot from INI file.
   Major change to the way "forward" mail is stored.
   Scavenge.exe modified to convert any unsent mail to the new format.
   Setup creates mailroot directory if it didn't exist.
   Obsolete threads killed a little faster.
   Fixed a problem where a session would time out when
     transferring a large file.
   PMSetup added to distribution.


Peter Moylan
See http://eepjm.newcastle.edu.au for OS/2 help and software
 /===================================\    oOOo    (C) Publikacja tego
 | http://avalon.wbc.lublin.pl/~znik/ \===\__/==\ artykulu lub jego
 | Grzegorz Szyszlo   mailto:znik_at_wbc.lublin.pl | fragmentow w Gaz.Wyb.
 \==============================================/ surowo wzbroniona.

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Tue 18 May 2004 - 15:22:52 MET DST