Re: Problem z MPTS, bardzo pilne

Autor: Leszek Gerwatowski (
Data: Fri 11 Jun 1999 - 12:59:54 MET DST

In article <>, Grzegorz Szyszlo wrote:
>System Setup / Adapter and protocol services
>Pojawia sie blad:
>You have re-installed MPTS.
>Locked files will you not allow to start MPTS.
>You must exit MPTS, shutdown, and restart your
>workstation before you can start MPTS
>A musze przekonfigurowac karte sieciowa. kiedys bylo o tym na grupie
>tyle ze znalezc nie moge. robilem upgrade MPTS ale to bylo dosyc dawno
>tylko ze nie pamietam czy wtedy probowalem wchodzic w ten program.
>btw. probowalem przejrzec pliki konfiguracyjne i ewentualnie recznie
>je poprawic, ale one nie maja komentarzy i zbyt malo sie orientuje
>by cooklwiek zmienic.

Cytat z \ibmcom\readme.mpt :


Occassionally, the MPTS configuration utility will not allow the user to
reconfigure due to Locked Files. The following message will appear:

You have re-installed MPTS. Locked files will not allow you to start MPTS.

You must exit MPTS, shutdown, and restart your workstation before you can start

If you have not re-installed MPTS, then delete the file IBMLANLK.LST found in
the \OS2\INSTALL directory on the boot drive. This will allow you to start
MPTS. DO NOT delete this file if you have re-installed MPTS and have not
executed a shutdown and booted on the same boot drive.

Myślę że pomoże.

o------------------o      ___
|Leszek Gerwatowski|    _/_|_\
o------------------o   (o\__/o)=)))))))))))))
"Don't fix it if it isn't broken"

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