Re: karta 3C905B

Autor: Matlib (
Data: Fri 26 Feb 1999 - 13:19:56 MET

Udalo mi sie wreszcie stworzyc plik nif dla Fast EtherLink 900. Jest on
dolaczony do listu. Ten plik oraz el90x.os2 trzeba skopiowac do katalogu
\ibmcom\macs, a sterownik powinien pojawic sie na liscie.

Mam nadzieje ze z konfiguracja karty nie bedzie problemu :),

Matlib, Team OS/2 Polska

Type = NDIS
Title = "3Com Fast EtherLink 900"
Version = 4.0
Drivername = EL90X$

Name = EL90X.OS2

; Parameter start

display = "Network adapter address"
type = Hexstring
Strlength = 12
optional = YES
editable = YES
help = "This parameter overrides the network address of the network
 adapter card. The value of this parameter is a hexadecimal string of
 12 digits, as in 020001020304. The address
 must be unique among all other network adapter addresses on the

tag = SLOT
display = "PCI slot"
type = decimal
range = 0 - 31
default = 8
optional = NO
editable = YES

tag = BUSNO
display = "PCI bus number"
type = decimal
range = 0 - 7
default = 0
optional = NO
editable = YES

display = "Maximum number of queued transmits"
type = decimal
range = 8 - 50
default = 40
optional = NO
editable = YES
help = "This parameter specifies the maximum number of transmit queue
 entries for the network adapter driver. For a server workstation or
 gateway workstation, set this parameter to 40."

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