FWD: Weasel 0.82 available

Autor: Grzegorz Szyszlo (znik_at_avalon.wbc.lublin.pl)
Data: Thu 18 Feb 1999 - 19:32:55 MET

No to gosciu napisal kolejna wersje serwera pocztowego (POP3+SMTP)
bardzo pocieszajace jest to, ze chetnie przyjmuje wszystkie uwagi i
co sie da :)


Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 13:13:57 +1100
From: Peter Moylan <peter_at_ecemail.newcastle.edu.au>
To: Peter Moylan <peter_at_ecemail.newcastle.edu.au>
Subject: Weasel 0.82 available

To make it easier to keep track of my "to do" list, I'm releasing a
Weasel update. This is a minor maintenance release. You can find it at
the web site in my signature, or at

Note: I'm expecting a new computer to arrive any time now, and when
that happens my server will be down for a complete hardware change,
including a total OS installation, transfer of lots of files from one
machine to another, etc. If you can't connect, or if you can connect
but files are missing, just try again a day or so later.

Version 0.82
   Fixed a memory allocation error in LoadINI.
   Minor change in the host name-matching, which might help
     with a reported error of wildcards not working.
   Fixed a problem of spurious characters being inserted in
     incoming mail that contains byte-stuffing at beginning
     of line.
   Minor correction to the nameserver lookup code, for the
     case where there is no MX entry for the destination domain.
   REXX script to migrate OS2PopS user data.


Peter Moylan        peter_at_ee.newcastle.edu.au
OS/2 help and software at
 /===================================\    oOOo    W temperaturze zera
 | http://avalon.wbc.lublin.pl/~znik/ \===\__/==\ bezwzglednego swiatlo
 | Grzegorz Szyszlo   mailto:znik_at_wbc.lublin.pl | zmienia postac
 \==============================================/ alotropowa  (by Znik)

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