FWD: Oops!

Autor: Grzegorz Szyszlo (znik_at_avalon.wbc.lublin.pl)
Data: Mon 21 Dec 1998 - 11:33:15 MET

To jest program pelniacy role SMTP i POP serwera. Warto sie nim
zainteresowac. btw, niedlugo weasel081.zip oraz ftpser073.zip
beda u mnie :) dam znac.


Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 09:29:18 +1100
From: Peter Moylan <peter_at_ecemail.newcastle.edu.au>

I've just discovered a bug in Weasel that makes it forget to send
outgoing mail in some situations. This should account for a problem
that a couple of people reported a long time ago, but which I was never
(until now) able to reproduce. To get the fix, you should fetch Weasel
version 0.81 at
  or http://eepjm.newcastle.edu.au/html/software.html

The new version also includes a program "scavenge.exe" that checks the
"forward" directory for lost mail and rebuilds the delayed.mai file.
Make sure that Weasel is not running when you run scavenge.


Peter Moylan        peter_at_ee.newcastle.edu.au
OS/2 help and software at

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