Fwd: [WarpCast] TCP/IP 4.1 free

Autor: Leszek KUBRAK (infokub_at_pp.com.pl)
Data: Fri 20 Nov 1998 - 22:56:48 MET

==================BEGIN FORWARDED MESSAGE==================
TCP/IP 4.1 is now a free download, if you get it through
the Developer site (registration is free):

[Moderator's note: The above web page says that it can only be installed on

OS/2 Warp 4 OS/2 Warp Server
OS/2 Warp Server SMP

I suspect that should read

OS/2 Warp 4
OS/2 Warp Server
OS/2 Warp Server SMP

===================END FORWARDED MESSAGE===================

Leszek KUBRAK <infokub_at_pp.com.pl>

P.U.I. "InfoKub" tel.0-602-221956
os.Kolorowe 25/5 fax.(0-12)644-57-59
31-941 KRAKÓW

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Tue 18 May 2004 - 15:19:18 MET DST