Fwd: Re: Long and chilling

Autor: Przemysław Pawełczyk (warpman_at_friko5.onet.pl)
Data: Tue 03 Nov 1998 - 12:41:11 MET

Some reactions.
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> http://www.usdoj.gov/atr/cases/ms_testimony.htm
>It is well worth reading.

After reading that, I suspect that the agreement between IBM and
Microsoft is at the expense of OS/2. My assumption is that if IBM
wants to be able to preload Windows <9x/NT/2000> or have the
sourcecode so that they can enhance the product, they kill OS/2 and
I'll bet there is a timetable on the agreement of the year 2,000 or
2,001 as the "Internal Document" states.


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============================= OS/2 WARP 4ever
Przemysław Pawełczyk (Warpman)    Freelance journalist
Os. Centrum B 1/89                   Phone +48 12 642-13-00
31-927 Kraków                 mailto:warpman_at_friko5.onet.pl
Poland                             http://friko5.onet.pl/kr/warpman/

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