Fwd: [WarpCast] Netscape Communicator 4.04 for OS/2 Beta to start soon

Autor: Leszek KUBRAK (infokub_at_pp.com.pl)
Data: Wed 29 Jul 1998 - 10:56:18 MET DST

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--------------------------- WarpCast ---------------------------
Source: Michel Fombellida (mfombellida_at_epo.e-mail.com)
Moderator: Trevor Smith (editor_at_os2ezine.com)

My company received an email from IBM anouncing the beginning of the
beta program for Netscape Communicator 4.04 for OS/2. Here is part of
the email we received:

  Dear all
  Here is the beta program for the Netscape communicator. Let me
  know by Monday 27th if you want to be nominated. This
  pre-release program is now available for customer nomination:

  Netscape Communicator 4.04 for OS/2 Warp
  Coordinator: Ava Rodriguez, IBM Austin Lab


  There will be two drops (end-July and mid to late August) of
  the beta to deliver all the functions.

  Product description:

  Netscape Communicator 4.04 for OS/2 provides the latest web browser
  support to the OS/2 operating system, and supports the deployment
  of new Java and Web technologies. This version of Netscape
  Communicator includes the core components from Netscape
  Communicator Standard Edition 4.04, as well as some OS/2-specific


Many more details were included (too many to reprint here). Expect
to see reports of actual testing soon.

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Leszek KUBRAK <infokub_at_pp.com.pl>

P.U.I. "InfoKub" tel.0-602-221956
os.Kolorowe 25/5 fax.(0-12)644-57-59
31-941 KRAKÓW

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