Fwd: News about OpenGL DDK

Autor: Andrzej J. Piotrowski (A_J_P_at_it.com.pl)
Data: Wed 21 Jan 1998 - 20:47:16 MET

No wreszcie...

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This from the IBM developer:


The source code for a sample hardware accelerated driver for OpenGL 1.1
OS/2 was delivered from the RS/6000 development team to our dept in
just prior to the holidays (a couple of months later than originally
scheduled). We are working on it now. It isn't quite ready for prime
with some bugs that need to be fixed, and lacking documentation. I'm
coming up
to speed with the code, and have started to debug and fix. We are getting
code into CMVC and setting up a build environment from which we can
release and
service the code. Finally, when we have some documentation to guide
the sample to different hardware, we will make a DDK package available to
IHVs. It's a lot of code!

We will only be providing the OpenGL DDK to IHVs that have an OpenGL
license from SGI. All of the IHVs with 3D hardware are SGI licensees, but
can't make the DDK available with public, on-line OS/2 DDK.

It will be a couple of months yet before I'd be comfortable making the DDK
available, but if an IHV was eager to get an early look without docs (i.e.
alpha release), that might be possible even now. Unfortunately, no IHV
been beating at the door to support OS/2. I'm hoping that OS/2 mgmt
pull the plug first. Although there are no indications that that will
I'm afraid its always a possibility given the current environment.

IHV contact for the OpenGL DDK is Paul Wolfe, (512) 823-1627.

Timur Tabi, timur_at_io.com, http://www.io.com/~timur/index.html
THE OS/2 Programming Page: http://www.edm2.com/common/links.html
... In Windows 95, no one can hear you scream
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Lech Wiktor Piotrowski
OS / 2 = Win ^ 95
ICQ#: 6554016

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