Fwd: OS2News: Campaign - Creative Campaign Update

Autor: Gregorio Kus (Grego_at_RMnet.IT)
Data: Wed 18 Dec 1996 - 15:15:00 MET

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Okay, 'campaign' may sound strong, but frankly I'm worried when a leading
player announces no further Warp support. This reminds me of WordPerfect
dropping OS/2, and I don't know how many of these incidences we can
afford. Apologies for earlier dropping the trailing l from the contact
(quick cut and paste job...)

That's the url for Creative's 'Contact Us' page. It has a number of areas
for feedback, take your pick. Try 'Products' if you want a suggestion, and
consider sending email directly to the soundcard product team: Pick a name
and cc the rest:
   cbchan_at_ct.creaf.com, kwngiam_at_ct.creaf.com, skleng_at_ct.creaf.com,
PLLee_at_ct.creaf.com, wyng_at_ct.creaf.com, lclow_at_ct.creaf.com

Creative's public relations department: ctl-pr_at_ct.creaf.com
and Mary Rachel Lee at: mary_at_cthost.ct.creaf.com

Pleaes consider signing up for 'Creative Connections' (it's their primary
source of feedback from users) via:
(their server at that location has had intermittent overload problems the
past few days, you may have to try a few times) Once you've signed up,
you can email the administrator giving direct feedback to:

The folks in charge of support for development can be reached via email

Opinions on how Creative's announcement might affect sales? Email:
(the Warp '5%' is of either 30 million or 20 million SoundBlaster users,
depending on which page on Creative's site you choose.)

I'm not sure how many Warp users are potential buyers (or sellers) of
Creative stock, but just in case, that department receives mail from:

As an interesting point, Creative is using the current free beta release
of the Domino Web Server (produced by Lotus - owned by... IBM). If you
aren't familiar with the interface of Domino discussion bases, you can get
a feel for it by posting to the Creative online discussion groups (kind of
like usenet), by surfing to the "Creative Exchange" at"
>From there you can browse by topic, date, etc. Or you can surf directly
into one their Domino discussion bases like the AW64 (Creative's latest
and greatest), and ask about Warp support, at:
Finally, since I have no idea how many of the 5% of Creative's customers
who run Warp also use usenet, so tell your compuserve friends to Go
Blaster and post their comments to Creative. ...

Now, if even only a few of the fabled 5% follow up on this issue, we'll
have a change to see if 'net action' is possible of actually accomplishing
anything.... :-)


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Gregorio Kus    Grego_at_RMnet.it                Grego_at_cyberspace.org
ROMA, Italy     http://www.RMnet.it/~grego    Grego_at_FreeNet.hut.fi
Anonymous Mail Service - http://free.rmnet.it/~grego/AnonMail.html

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