Re: Jak zmienic numer seryjny ?

Autor: Shield <>
Data: Sun 21 May 2006 - 22:35:41 MET DST
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

> Jak wlacze automatyczne sciaganie lat, to zaraz sciagnie mi sprawdzanie
> legalnosci.

W W2k nie ma sprawdzania legalności póki co (i raczej nie będzie, bo go już
nie rozwijają).

>>>> czym musisz posiadac tez legalny nosnik do 2000 Pro.
>>> A to niby czemu ?
>> Bo korzystanie z prawa do downgrade zaklada posiadanie legalnego nosnika
> do
>> down-levelowego
>> systemu operacyjnego.

Tu jest cytat z jednego z działów Questions&Answers ze strony Microsoft:

The Windows XP EULA grants you a “downgrade” right, that is the right to
install and run a previous version of Microsoft Windows.  However, under
the terms of the EULA, the Windows XP EULA remains applicable.  In order to
downgrade, it is necessary for you to accept the terms of the Windows XP
EULA by going through the initial start-up process and accepting the
Windows XP license. Thereafter, you (or the OEM, on your behalf if
authorized) may delete Windows XP from the computer and install a prior
version of Microsoft Windows.  You user may not install a prior version
unless your have deleted Windows XP from the computer system.  The EULA
specifically provides that neither the OEM nor Microsoft will provide
support for the downgraded version or supply the media from which you will
copy the downgraded version.  You (or the OEM on your behalf) may use the
media from any genuine Microsoft software for which it is legally licensed
to install the downgrade software, for example: Select, Open, Retail (FPP)
or system builder (E2E) media.  (Note that the installation of a prior
version of Microsoft Windows using media supplied in connection with
another legally licensed computer does not affect the license status of
such other computer (i.e. You do not have to delete the earlier version
from the other PCs) – Microsoft is simply authorizing you to use this media
to accomplish the downgrade on the new computer system.)  You retain the
right to reinstall Windows XP at any time, provided you also delete the
prior version.

Received on Sun May 21 22:40:11 2006

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