Przemyslaw Frasunek <> wrote:
> Ale to nie jest istota problemu. Ja wdrozylem u siebie IPv6 na PPPoE.
> Wystawiam klientowi /64 na styku, ale nie mam sensownej mozliwosci
> wyroutowania kolejnego /64 na jego LAN. Czyli dla klienta z routerem,
> takie IPv6 jest bezuzyteczne.
Uhm, nie rozumiem, czemu kolejnego? Nie może to być jedno /64, zawsze
z pierwszym ip (...::1) jako adres routera? Czy tylko chodzi o problem
z konfiguracją routera, że albo musi umieć DHCPv6, albo być skonfigurowanym
poprawnie do autokonfiguracji (router discovery)?
Operatorzy, którzy dają klientom routerki są tu do przodu, bo mogą
je sami skonfigurować… Comcast zaczął tak robić:
This first phase will support certain types of directly connected CPE,
where a single computer is connected directly to a cable modem. Subsequent
phases in 2011 and 2012 will support home gateway devices and variable
length prefixes. Critically, our approach is "native dual stack" which
means customers will get both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
This first phase will support certain types of directly connected CPE,
where a computer is connected directly to a cable modem. This will depend
upon the cable modem (a subset of DOCSIS 3.0 cable modems, which will
expand over time) and will also depend upon the operating system (only
Windows 7, Windows Vista, Mac OS X 10.7 / Lion), which must support
stateful DHCPv6.
For directly connected CPE, we will allocate an individual IPv6 address
(/128), since we know that only a single device is connecting, with no
additional need to subnet. When we begin our support for home gateway
devices late this year, we initially plan to use a default IPv6 prefix
allocation that is a /64 in length
-- Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master. -- Commissioner Pravin LalReceived on Tue Nov 15 15:25:02 2011
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