> Teraz.. jeśli piszesz o kraju i ustawie, to może podałbyś jakieś
> konkrety, jaki kraj, jaki akt prawny, gdzie go można przeczytać... itd.
Jak juz mowilem nie jest to jeszcze ustawa jest w opracowaniu ale...
Recommended Best Practices for Internet Service Providers and Other
Network Operators
ISPs and other network operators should limit, by default, the use of
port 25 by end-users.
If necessary, the ability to send or receive mail over port 25 should be
restricted to hosts
on the provider’s network. Use of port 25 by end-users should be
permitted on an as-needed
basis or as set out in the provider’s end-user agreement / terms of service.
Received on Mon Aug 21 13:50:09 2006
To archiwum zosta³o wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.8 : Mon 21 Aug 2006 - 14:40:01 MET DST