On Thu, 09 Sep 2004 23:49:55 +0200, hwat <hwat@usunto.interia.pl>
>http://www.arin.net/whois/ zwraca mi:
>NetRange: -
>Comment: These addresses have been further assigned to users in
>Comment: the RIPE NCC region. Contact information can be found in
>Comment: the RIPE database at http://www.ripe.net/whois
>Czy mamy nowy problem 83.
Nie mamy. Ty masz problem z angielskim. ARIN=_American_ Registry for
Internet Numbers.
Poza tym czytac ze zrozumieniem nie nauczyli ???
-- Bartłomiej "Maly Mis" Jung newsy AT bjung.com GG#14042 "All those moments will be lost... in time... like tears... in rain."Received on Fri Sep 10 00:05:25 2004
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