12 million US companies on CD mleus

Autor: wnoFor Sale (kjqs3cpaint52_at_Flashmail.com)
Data: Tue 16 Apr 2002 - 13:45:18 MET DST

 We offer a product that will let you develop a customer base for your business in no time.
We have compiled information over the Internet on every US business.
One single CD contains data on 12 million US companies -
sorted by Yellow Pages Categories and SIC Codes.
   Accuracy? Freshness?
 We are committed to deliver the best quality data that is highly rewarding to your business. How?
   - Fill out your address book with every company related to your business.
   - Select companies within your area, or across the whole USA.
   - Create a web site - just put our data in HTML format.
   - Thinking big? Create your own complete USA Yellow Pages Web Site.
   - Compare and update your old database with our CD. Keep it fresh.
   - Promote your products and services, send out your brochures and catalogs.
   There are endless possibilities how to use the CD.
   We also include complete information on every Real Estate Agent in the USA. Over 500,000 agents described in detail - mailing addresses, email addresses, web sites, phone, fax, cell, area serving, languages spoken, certification, and more.
   The CD comes with the software that allows you to import data into your database in 1-2-3 easy steps. Unlimited usage, no restrictions on importing data into your database. Format: ASCII comma separated ","
   The Price is $499.00 ONLY!!! No shipping charge. 3 day delivery.
   We are accepting credit card,checks or Money orders.

Call us to place the order,or complete the form below, print and fax the form, or mail it to the address below.
   ORDER LINE: 1-888-408-5061
   VIA FAX: 603-258-6111
Po.Bx. 269
Shiocton Wi.54170
   * * * Please copy and paste form order, fill out, print, sign, and mail or fax to us.
   Please Send Me "US BUSINESSES and REAL ESTATE AGENTS CD" for $499.00 (US).
   *Company Name:
   *Shipping Address:
   *Postal Code:
   *E-mail Address:
   Card Type: MasterCard [ ] Visa [ ] AmEx [ ]
   *Credit Card Number:
   *Expiration Date:
   *Shipping/Handling: Free - in the USA, $25.00 - Overnight [ ]; Overseas
   [ ].
   *I authorize "WMC" to charge my credit card for 'US BUSINESSES CD' in the amount of $__________ .
   *Date: *Signature:
   *Name as appears on Card:
   *Billing Address:
   *City, State & Postal Code:
   We apologize if this message was intrusive.
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   Thank You. 368e945e.b5b91cd_at_Flashmail.com


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