Hmmm ...

Autor: porlock (
Data: Tue 09 Apr 2002 - 00:38:29 MET DST

Takiego oto otrzymalem lista ..
w sumie ciekawe .. ale jakos nie usmiecha mi sie coby moje dane lacznie z
tel i adresem byly w jakiejs bazie rozpowszechnianej na cd ..

radze napisac na jednak ..

Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 23:27:30 +0200
From: Internich <>
Subject: 10 Millions Domains For You

  "How To Make Money With These Internet Marketing CDs"

Screenshots, Demo and Buy on or

- TSM 4 CD-Roms Domains Toolkit is a wonderful tool for Internet Marketing.
It contains a domain database with 10 millions records .com, .net, .org,

Each record include:
Domain Name, Registrant, Reg Code, Reg Address, Reg City, Admin Contact,
Admin Code, Admin email, Admin Company, Admin Address, Admin City, Admin
Admin Fax, Tech Contact, Tech Code, Tech Email, Tech Company, Tech Address,
Tech City, Tech Tel, Tech Fax, Bill Contact, Bill Code, Bill Email,
Bill Company, Bill Address, Bill City, Bill Tel, Bill Fax,
Server 1, Server IP 1, Server 2, Server IP 2, Server 3, Server IP 3,
Server 4, Server IP 4, Server 5, Server IP 5, Server 6, Server IP 6

The files format is MS Excel.
You can take advantage of the sale price of US ***$199*** for 10 days only!

- TSM Business Email List contains 13 millions Company's E-Mails on CD-ROM.
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- TSM Country Companies DB contains a database of one million companies
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informations: Company name, address, city, telephone, fax, contact name,
The files format is MS Excel.
You can take advantage of the sale price of US ***$59*** for 10 days only!
3-4 days Shipping with EMS Courier in all the world.

One time limited offer only. We reserve the right to revert to standard

You can also send a fax with your request +39 06 273708 (don't forget your


This is a one-time mailing. You will not receive other emails from us.

This message is sent in compliance of the proposed bill SECTION 301.
Per Section 301,Paragraph (a)(2)(C) of S. 1618. By providing a valid
"Remove" feature it cannot be considered SPAM. We make every effort to
insure that the recipients of our direct marketing are those individuals
who have asked to receive additional information on promotional offers
from companies who offer Internet marketing products. Again we apologize
if this message has reached you in error. This Message Is NOT Intended
for Residents Of WA, NV, CA, VA, or CO. Screening of addresses has been
done to the best of our technical ability. We honor all removal requests.
To be removed, send an empty email with your domain in Subject line to

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