Autor: Bartosz Jakubski (
Data: Sun 14 Oct 2001 - 19:26:39 MET DST
Michal Zalewski napisał(a):
> On 14 Oct 2001, Jacek Popławski wrote:
> Panowie. Poczytac pierw.
> WHAT: The Ig Nobel Prizes honor people whose achievements "cannot or
> should not be reproduced." Ten prizes are given to people who have
> done remarkably goofy things -- some of them admirable, some perhaps
> otherwise. Here is a list of all the past winners.
> /.../
Pominąłeś fakt, że juz w tym roku polak dostał Ig Nobla:
Joel Slemrod, of the University of Michigan Business School, and
Wojciech Kopczuk, of University of British Columbia, for their
conclusion that people find a way to postpone their deaths if that that
would qualify them for a lower rate on the inheritance tax.
[REFERENCE:"Dying to Save Taxes: Evidence from Estate Tax Returns on the
Death Elasticity," National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper
No. W8158, March 2001.]
Czy to zwiększa, czy zmniejsza ewentualne szanse E*perta na zwycięstwo?
-- -- .- Bartosz Jakubski ------------------- Sosnowiec -. -- -- | Free Software is a matter of liberty, not price | -- -- `---------------(' --
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