Autor: Szymon Sokół (
Data: Wed 01 Aug 2001 - 21:20:30 MET DST
On Wed, 01 Aug 2001 19:14:25 +0200, Szymon Dowkontt <>
>A moim zdaniem drugi po Hofmoklu powinien byc Stan Tyminski za
A niby czemu Hofmokl pierwszy? Dlatego, że nie żyje??
-- Szymon Sokol (SS316-RIPE, SS4004) -- Network Manager B Computer Center, University of Mining and Metallurgy, Krakow O PGP 2.x: 0x61094A7D, 5.x: 0xF9289982 F Free speech includes the right not to listen, if not interested -- Heinlein H
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