Autor: Jacek (
Data: Tue 31 Jul 2001 - 12:39:39 MET DST
The rogue application takes advantage of a defect in Microsoft's
Information Services software. It affects only
computers with the IIS Web
server software and Window's NT or 2000 operating
systems. Windows 95,
Windows 98 and Windows Me are immune. Therefore, most
home PCs cannot
be infected.
Officials and industry experts are urging computer
users to download the free
patch from Microsoft to protect them from the worm.
Also, if a computer is infected, simply turning the
machine off and back on
removes the worm from memory.
The worm scans the Internet, locates vulnerable systems
and infects these
systems by installing itself. Each newly installed worm
joins the others, causing
the rate of scanning to rise exponentially.
(z CNN)
In addition, we are making available the SANS Institutes short course
(audio, PPT, and PDF) on how
to eliminate the problem in Microsoft's IIS web
server that makes Windows NT and Windows 2000
systems vulnerable to the Code Red worm. Code Red
has already infected more than 300,000 Windows
servers and, on July 19th, caused major
degradation of the Internet. It will begin a new infestation on
Tuesday evening, July 31. Anyone who runs Windows
2000 or Windows NT may be infecting other users
and hurting performance on the Internet (Windows
95, 98, and ME users are unaffected). Patching your
system to keep it from being infected is critically
gdzie sa patche i jak je instalowac :
Patch download
Lista dyskusyjna nt. wirusa Code Red
To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Wed 19 May 2004 - 16:53:01 MET DST