Data: Sat 07 Jul 2001 - 03:09:19 MET DST
Dear Friend,
Do You Have What it Takes to Retire Wealthy and Be Financially Free?
Answer this simple quiz to find out:
. Would you be willing to do absolutely nothing but pay a small fee to a professional
marketer using a proven system guaranteed to bring you recurring streams of income?
. Do you enjoy doing something just once and making money over and over again?
. Are you prepared to take a look at a radically new business opportunity and
really check it out, before you decide it's not for you. This easy online home
business works!!
. Do you have an open mind to listen to new opportunities before you
discount them?
If you can honestly say "yes" to these 4 questions you'll find this email
extremely important to your future.
There are only 2 things required to achieving financial freedom.
The right attitude is the first part and you've already demonstrated you've
got that, by actually reading this far. The other part of the puzzle is the right
opportunity and that's the reason I'm emailing you...
My name is Paul and I wanted to share with you the most startling
moneymaking discovery I have ever found. (Actually, stumbled across
is more like it.)
I've spent years looking for legitimate business opportunities that the
"average Joe" could profit from but I've always managed to come
up short. I bought all kinds of tapes, distributorships, and plans with
absolutely nothing to show for my effort. But one day a person sent
me an email asking me to check out a new home-based business
he'd found. To say I was skeptical would be an understatement but
I took the time to look.
What I found out completely blew me away!
I'd never seen a faster, simpler way to start generating immediate
streams of income. I tried it out and after just a short time, I was
earning enough to sock a little extra away in my retirement plan and
go on that vacation I'd been promising my wife for years. The best
part is it doesn't require much time, there's no selling and nearly zero
risk. It's so simple, I believe anyone can do it.
Listen, I'm sure you're probably skeptical (just like I was) but it took
someone sending an email that finally pointed me in the right direction
and switched me on to this incredible opportunity.
And I'd like to do the same for you...
That's why I'm put together a special information system that explains
everything in full detail. I'll tell you all about my story and this program.
How it's given the freedom to do what I want. To spend more time with
my family. Travel. And just enjoy life. There's no-obligation and I promise
no one will bother you if you want to remove yourself from my list.
To get your copy of this important information packet emailed out to you,
simply respond to this address by email.
Make sure "More-Info-Please" is in the subject line or nothing will be
received by you.
Within twelve hours the information will arrive in your email inbox.
It's groundfloor, the simplest home business you will ever find and explosive!
Best Regards,
P.S. One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and
over again and expecting different results. So unless you decide
to do something different you will never achieve what you truly
deserve. If you've been looking for a way to create wealth, achieve
financial independence and finally get out of the 9 to 5 rut you owe
it to yourself to click the link above. I can guarantee you that if you
put this aside to "think about it" you won't be any closer to your
financial goals.
I received your e-mail as someone interested in Internet Business
Opportunities. If I received your e-mail in error, or you are no
longer interested, click here to be removed. Be sure REMOVE is in
the Subject Title and you will not be contacted again:
This request will be honoured within 48 hours and applied
against my email list. I take extreme measures to ensure
my remove list is up to date as possible.
Occassionally errors do occurr and if you have received more
than one email after requesting a remove, I apologise.
To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Wed 19 May 2004 - 16:51:50 MET DST