Autor: Piotr Majka (
Data: Tue 13 Jun 2000 - 19:56:05 MET DST
Michal Zalewski <> napisał(a):
> [root_at_squirrel:4 /root]# telnet 80
> ...ale moze biore nie to co trza?;)
W ServerTokens zabrakło opcji off ;-)
-- Piotr "Charvel" Majka | PGP & GPG Public Key: finger | Uin: 20873695 GCM d- s-:- a-- C++ UL++++ P+ L+++ E--- W+ N+++ !o !K w--- !O M V- PS+ PE !Y PGP+ t--- !5 X R tv- b !DI D+ G++ e h r y++**
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