Autor: Tomasz Kokowski (
Data: Tue 03 Feb 1998 - 18:10:20 MET
My tu sobie w Polsce gadu-gadu, a na szczytach Internetu sie wyrabia!
Toz dopiero co chlopaki z RIPE podsylaja draft nowego statutu
dzialania IANA jako non-profit, a Clinton juz naciska administracje
zeby zabrala sie zywo za caly galimatias problemow rejestracji,
przydzialu i w ogole udzialu US Government w "rzadzeniu"
Zaraz potem US Goverment publikuje "green paper" - istne arcydzielko
w stylu: "We, the Internet ..." ale dobrze sie czytajace i wazne IMHO
Sa juz pierwsze komentarze ludzi z Europy (za lista dykusyjna RIPE):
"Europeans Disappointed By Net Names Plan ( 1/30/98; 9:00 p.m. EST)
By Douglas Hayward, TechWeb European Internet organizations could
barely disguise their disappointment with a plan published Friday by the
U.S. government to privatize the running of the Internet's domain name
In what has been called the "green paper," the U.S. government said it
a private nonprofit corporation to control the entire Internet domain
system. The new corporation would appoint up to five independent
organizations -- known as registries -- to administer domain names. Each
these registries would be entitled to administer a single new top-level
domain. Possible new top-level domains mentioned by the paper include
and .store. [...]"
Tomasz Kokowski
To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Wed 19 May 2004 - 16:10:57 MET DST