Autor: Radoslaw Uliszak (
Data: Fri 12 Sep 1997 - 10:02:45 MET DST
Czesc Seweryn! (Seweryn Walentynowicz) wrote:
:> Czy w programie Eudora na Windows 3.11 mozna zrobic na jednym komputerze
:>obsluge kilku niezaleznych skrzynek pocztowych ( dla roznych osob ) ?
Nigdy tego nie praktykowalem, ale na bylo
kilka dyskusji na ten temat:
There is a freeware Profiler for Eudora. It enables you to setup
multiple configurations for a single installation of Eudora.
Right out of the Eudora FAQ:
To allow multiple users to use Eudora on the same PC, make a separate
mail directory and create a separate program manager icon for each
user. The directories can be named whatever you like and placed
anywhere, including floppies or network volumes. Place a copy of the
Eudora.ini in each users directory. To tell Eudora which directory to
use, specify that directory on the command line of the Program Item
properties dialog box as shown in the examples below:
c:\eudora\eudora.exe c:\user1
c:\eudora\eudora.exe c:\user2
Then in the working directory field, set the path to that users
Then each user will have his or her own location for mailboxes and
user settings.
Radek (
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