Autor: Maciek Uhlig (
Data: Wed 27 Nov 1996 - 08:13:42 MET
ISOC Forum Vol. 2, No. 11 podaje informacje o pracach zwiazanych z
tworzeniem nowych miedzynarodowych domen najwyzszego szczebla (ITLD) (w
zalaczeniu). Pod koniec informacja, w jaki sposob wziac udzial w pracach
grupy roboczej.
An Internet International Ad Hoc Committee (IAHC) has been named to resolve
issues resulting from current international debate over a proposal to establish
additional global registries and international Top Level Domains (iTLDs).
"We are pleased to have attracted such a high level of leading international
experts in their fields to examine these questions that are critical to the
current and future growth of the Internet," Donald M. Heath, president and CEO
of the Internet Society said in announcing the 11-member committee. Heath will
serve as chairman.
Deliberations of the committee may lead to the establishment of new
international Top Level Domains (iTLDs), adding to the current three-letter
tags, such as .com,, and .org, that end many Internet e-mail and World
Wide Web addresses.
Dr. Donald N. Telage, president of the Herndon, Virginia-based Network
Solutions, Inc., which manages the InterNIC Registry administering the .com,
.net, .edu, and top level domains, said: "Network Solutions has supported
the registration process and the growth of the Internet since 1991. We have
seen its evolution from a research and education tool to a powerful medium for
global communication and collaboration. The National Science Foundation has
played a critical role in the early governance activities, and we support the
Internet Society's efforts to review issues critical to the future of Internet
growth, evolution and governance. Network Solutions will participate and
support this effort enthusiastically supplying our extensive operational
knowledge as needed."
Named to the new IAHC are:
Sally M. Abel, specializes in international trademark and trade name
counseling, chairs the Internet Subcommittee of the International Trademark
Association (INTA), and will represent that organization on the IAHC. Ms.
Abel is the partner in charge of the Trademark Group of the law firm of
Fenwick and West, a Palo Alto, Ca. firm specializing in high technology matters.
Dave Crocker, cofounder of the Internet Mail Consortium, an industry trade
association. He is also a principal with Brandenburg Consulting in Sunnyvale,
Ca., a firm specializing in guiding the development and use of Internet
applications. With ten years in the ARPA research community, ten years
developing commercial network products and services, and extensive
contributions to the Internet Engineering Task Force, he is considered an
expert about the Internet, e-mail, electronic commerce, Internet operation and
the Internet standards process.
Geoff Huston is the technical manager of Australia's Telstra Internet and is
responsible for the architecture and operations of its service. He formerly
was technical manager of the Australian Academic and Research Network, and was
largely responsible for the introduction and subsequent development of the
Internet into Australia.
David W. Maher, is a partner at the law firm of Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal,
of Chicago, IL, is a registered patent attorney and has extensive experience
in intellectual property and entertainment law. Principal outside trademark
counsel for several nationwide companies, he has served as special counsel to
the American Bar Association for telecommunications matters.
Perry E. Metzger is the president of New York-based Piermont Information
Systems Inc., a consulting firm specializing in communications and computer
systems security. He has worked with the New York financial community for many
years and is active in the Internet Engineering Task Force's (IETF) security
area, chairing the group's Simple Public Key Infrastructure working group.
Jun Murai is associate professor of Faculty of Environmental Information at
Keio University in Tokyo. He developed JUNET, Japan's first UUCP network and
the WIDE Internet, Japan's first IP network. He is president of the Japan
Network Information Center (JPNIC) and serves as adjunct professor at the
Institute of Advanced Studies of the United Nations University in Tokyo.
Hank Nussbacher, is an independent networking consultant, currently works with
IBM Israel as Internet Technology Manager and has been responsible for all
aspects in establishing IBM Israel as a major ISP in Israel. He also consults
to the Israeli inter-university consortium and is on the board of directors of
the Internet Society of Israel.
Robert Shaw is an advisor on Global Information Infrastructure (GII) issues at
the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The ITU, based in Geneva,
Switzerland, is a United Nations treaty organization within which governments
and the private sector coordinate global telecom networks and services.
George Strawn is with the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), which has
funded Internet development for research and education. Mr. Strawn has been
involved with the NSF's Internet activities for the last five years and also
co-chairs the Federal Networking Council, a U.S. government committee
coordinating inter-agency Internet activities, including funding for
administrative activities, such as the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
Albert Tramposch is senior legal counselor at the World Intellectual Property
Organization (WIPO) in Geneva. WIPO is a United Nations organization which has
responsibility for the promotion of the protection of intellectual property
throughout the world. It also administers various treaties dealing with legal
and administrative aspects of intellectual property, including the
international registration of trademarks.
In addition, Stuart Levi, a partner in the New York Office of Skadden, Arps,
Slate, Meagher & Flom, and the head of the firm's Computer and Information
Technology Practice, will serve as outside counsel supporting the IAHC.
"The IAHC will be charged with fairly and openly looking at the complex issues
surrounding the current domain name and registry situation, including trademark
and infringement, economics and administration of registry operations, dispute
policies, fees and iTLDs," Heath said. He anticipates the Committee reaching
reasonable consensus on issues surfaced, sometime in January. A subset of the
IAHC will seek to implement its recommendations very shortly after that.
To meet its aggressive schedule, the widely dispersed group will primarily
operate online, over the Internet. Interested parties throughout the Internet
world will be able to participate in the IAHC's process, through an electronic
mail list service and a Web site that are being established. Discussions,
evaluations, and decisions will be available for public inspection. An archive,
and relevant documents, will be available public comment at the Web site which
will be established by 15 November at To subscribe to the
IAHC's e-mail list service, send e-mail with the word "subscribe" to:
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