Re: problemy z microsoftem

Autor: Milosz Stasik (
Data: Tue 12 Mar 1996 - 22:47:51 MET

On Tue, 12 Mar 1996, Jarek Lis wrote:

> Z pewna niesmialoscia pytam sie, czy cos zlego dzieje sie z siecia do US?
> Usiluje sciagnac IE z, i owszem zaczyna ladnie, po czym
> sie urywa. Nie wiem kogo winic - browser netscape, serwer Microsoft'a,
> maly, zielony pozeracz pakietow, czy moze ktos (hm, popieram) zalozyl
> filtr na M$?

Jakis czas temu przeforwardowalem (chyba wlasnie na polipa?)

> 1) The DS3 (45Mb between Sacramento and the Seattle Bay Area is completely
> saturated. MCI is aware of the issue and will take steps to correct
> the problem. Timeframe -- end of March (maybe)

> 2) There is saturation in the NorthWestNet network between Spokane and
> Seattle (currently two T-1's) and between Eugene and Portland (currently 3
> T-1s). These are our two routes out of Idaho to Seattle and the greater
> Internet. On March 15th. NorthWestNet is scheduled to install a third
> T-1 between Spokane and Seattle, and a fourth T-1 between Eugene and
> Portland, as well as, installing a DS3 between Portland and Seattle.
> Boy... you want to talk about big bucks.....!!!

To w okolicach Seattle. Z kolei w samym microsofcie w przyszlym tygodniu
zostanie uruchomiona druga DS3 laczace Microsoft z Seattle. Tak wiec jak
zechca to moga z Redland zatopic cale Seattle :)

Nie pozostaje mi wiec nic innego jak powtorzyc za Radkiem
M$ "Ciagnie jak nigdy (tzn. idzie jak burza)."



               | Milosz | MCCL 227 |
               | Stasik | 885-4097 |
               | |
               | URL= |

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