Autor: Tomasz Puchalski (
Data: Mon 29 Jan 1996 - 18:56:18 MET
>Ebone press release, 24 January 1996
> Ebone backbone upgrade to 34 Mbps
>Ebone announced last November the high speed Internet in Europe in
>cooperation with France Telecom Network Services, Telia and Tele2 by
>upgrading its backbone to 34 Mbps. The first 34 Mbps links will connect
>Ebone points of presence in Stockholm, Munich, London and Paris during the
>first quarter of 1996.
>Now the financial terms, delivery schedules and technical set-up have
>been worked out for the lines from Stockholm to Munich and to London.
>The Membership access cost for using the new Ebone with the fully
>integrated 34 Mbps lines has been discussed based on the expectations of
>a gradual build-up of traffic. While the final contracts will determine
>the cost, access costs are expected to be significantly lower than
>present Ebone fees and with additional discounts during 1996.
>For more information on Ebone, review or contact Ebone
>Frode Greisen phone: +45 3587 8828
>Ebone General manager fax: +45 3587 8890
>Vermundsgade 5
>DK 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark e-mail:
I co z tego ??. Moga se NASKoczyc :-)
I Ulubionym zajeciem Polakow jest walka z przewazajacymi silami wroga. I
I ( chyba Mrozek ? ) I
-- --
I trzeba waszmosciom wiedziec, ze oni maja tam proces z Jaworskimi I
I o grusze, co to na miedzy stoi i w polowie nad Jaworskich gruntami, a I
I w polowie nad naszymi ma galezie. Owoz, jak Jaworscy trzesa, to i I
I nasze gruszki opadaja, a duzo idzie na miedze. Oni tedy powiadaja, ze I
I te, co na miedzy leza, to ich, a my...[ciach]...ten proces trwa juz I
I piecdziesiat lat... I
I Henryk Sienkiewicz - Ogniem I Mieczem I
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