Re: IETF a sprawa polska

Autor: Rafal Maszkowski (
Data: Sun 21 Jan 1996 - 20:57:03 MET

Gregorio Kus ( wrote:
: Grzegorz Stepniak wrote:
: >On Sat, 20 Jan 1996, Gregorio Kus wrote:
: >>
: >> subscribe html-wg [your name] Confirmation that you have been
: >> added as a subscriber to HTML-WG
: >Albo ja cos zle robie albo pod wsakazanym adresem nie ma takiej listy.

Nie ma. Na prosbe GK wysylam do dwoch grup co udalo mi sie wybadac:

Date: Sun, 21 Jan 1996 14:50:32 -0500
Subject: Re: subscribe

******* Note from the listmaster: ( *******

You have been added to the subscriber list of:

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This mailing list is now being governed by SmartLists.
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Commands to the request address are processed automatically.
The desired command should be sent in the Subject of a mail message
to ''.

******* Administrative Requests *******

 How to UNSUBSCRIBE (and other useful commands)

Send a message to with 'unsubscribe'
in the Subject header field.

Please report any problems with the list to the list maintainer:

   Dan Connolly
        backup: Jay Sekora

The -request mail address should be used for all list administrative
requests. It accepts the following commands (in the Subject of an
e-mail message):

    subscribe -- Subscribe to the list. If you want to subscribe
                         under a different address, use a Reply-To: address
                         header in the message.

    unsubscribe -- Unsubscribe from the list.

    help -- Get information about the mailing list.

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In the event of an address change, it would probably be wisest to first
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Most (un)subscription requests are processed automatically without human
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NOTE: The -request server usually does quite a good job in discriminating
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      maintainer. If you'd like to make sure a human reads your message,
      make it look like a reply (i.e. the first word in the Subject: field
      should be "Re:", without the quotes of course); the -request server
      does not react to replies.

                                        HTML Working Group of the IETF (at W3C)
   W3C[1]| HTML[2]
                                IETF[3] HTML WG
       The HTML Working Group is chartered firstly to describe, and second
     ly to develop, the HyperText Markup Language (HTML). The group's w
     ork is to be based on existing practice on the Internet, and will m
     ake due reference to the SGML standard.
                                     from the charter of the HTML WG charter[4]
   IETF working groups exist for the sole purpose of drafting, revising,
    and reviewing Internet Standards. They have a focused charter and
   milestones. In order to conduct the business of the working group
   effectively, discussion of items not on the charter is prohibited (this rule
   is enforced by the working group chair, and sometimes the members. You have
   been warned.) There are a number of other HTML and WWW discussion
   forums[5], such as mailing lists and USENET newsgroups, where discussions
   of philosophy, proposed features, and announcements of WWW systems and
   resources are welcome.
Mailing List

   @@The business of the working group is conducted on a public mailing
   list, <>.
Background and Archives

  HTML working group charter[6]
                         maintained by the IETF secretariate
  Hypertext Archive of HTML-WG mailing list[7]
                         maintained by Ron Daniel
  HTML-WG: Abstracts and Related Info[8]
                         maintained by Roy Fielding

  HTML Working Group Chair
                              Eric Sink
  Editor of the HTML 2.n Specification:
                            Dan Connolly
  Editor of the 3.n Specification(s)
                            Dave Raggett
Proposing New Features

   Those who would propose new features or modify old ones are urged to discuss
   their ideas with experienced HTML implementors before going public. In any
   case, the following issues should be addressed in any proposal:
      a statement of the problem as you see it
      a proposed solution
      a demonstration that this solution is globally cost-effective without
      being locally prohibitive (i.e. the sum of all the effort of deploying
      this solution is less than the cost of dealing with the problem with
      existing technology, and yet no one party bears too much of the burden.
      For example, if you require every information provider to do something,
      it had better be minimal.)
      a discussion of graceful deployment and interoperability issues.
  **** NOTE WELL ****
   Your ideas will achieve greater credence if you take the time and effort to
   disseminate proposals as an internet draft. Don't forget to follow the
   internet draft guidelines: Guidelines to Authors of Internet-Drafts[9]
       "We value your opinion, really we do, but we're going to put a stif
     f tax on its expression, so that we won't have to hear it very often.
                                       -name withheld to protect the guilty ;-)
                    $Id: Overview.html,v 1.5 1996/01/12 20:02:47 connolly Exp $

*** References from this document ***

Welcome to the HTML WG mailing list!
        -- list maintainer, Dan Connolly <>

This is an automated subscription mechanism. For your verification, a
transcript of the original subscription request is included below.

If the wrong address has been subscribed and you seem to be unable to fix it
yourself, reply to this message now (quoting it entirely (for diagnostic
purposes), and of course adding any comments you see fit).

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