Autor: Kazimierz Wieczorkowski (
Data: Fri 22 Dec 1995 - 17:24:18 MET
Hello, could you respond please to the questionnaire, it is a frame of my
scientific project on technology in education. I am head of new Universi-
ty Teleteaching Centre, and I am interested in multimedia application
and computer network in distance education.
Kazimierz Wieczorkowski Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
or by post to Kazimierz Wieczorkowski
Nicholas Copernicus University, Telematic & Teleteaching Centre
Gagarina 13 A, 87-100 Torun, Poland, Tel/fax: (48 56) 14 267
Thank you very much!
Please distribute this questionnaire to other institutions, persons,
or discussion list.
1. Personal data (only for future contact!)
Are you a:
1 - teacher, 2 - student, 3 - pupil, 4 - other :__
1.1. First name: ............... Family name: ..................
1.2. Address:
street ..................................
Zip ............. City :...............................
Country :................ E-mail: ...........................
Fax: ..........................
Gender: (1 - Male 2 - Female) : ___ Age: ____ years
1.3. Speciality :......................................
1.4. Your education level : ...
1 - primary 2 - secondary 3 - college
4 - postgraduate 5 - high school 6 - doctoral
1.5. Your company (university, school):
1.6. Your job: :...............................
1.7. Job function: :......................................
1.8. Your main domain of study: :..............................
1.9. Do/did you use in education process: (1-yes, 0-no)
Computer : .... video cassettes : ....
Computer network : .... radio : ....
CD-ROMs : .... TV : ....
Audio cassettes : .... telephone : ....
Video conference : ....
Do you use a computer at home? (1 - yes 0 - no) :___
2. Network Service
2.1. Which networks do you use? (1 - yes, 0 - no)
Internet : ___ EARN : ___
COMPUSERVE : ___ BBS : ___
America On-line....... ...........: ___
2.2. What kind of service do/did you use?
not use 0 1 per year 1
few times per year 2 1 per month 3
few times per month 4 1 per week 5
few times per week 6 1 per day 7
few times per day 8 I don't know 9
E-mail : .... listserv : ....
FTP : .... Gopher : ....
data bases : .... audio-conferences:....
X.500 : .... WWW : ....
video-conferences : .... News : ....
TELNET : .... RLOGIN : ....
WAIS............. : .... .................: ....
3. Data Base Services
3.1. Which data bases do you use or did you use and how often?
:.................................. : ...............
:.................................. : ...............
:.................................. : ....
Please give the average costs per month of data base service for you.
: USD/month
4.1. Which CD-ROMs (or laser disks) do/did you use in your
job and education?
Title/Producer course/subject Frequency of use
job education
4.2. Which video do/did you use in your job and education?
Title/Producer course/subject Frequency of use
job education
5. Which computer programs do/did you use in education?
Level: 1 - primary 2 - secoundary, 3 - college
4 - high school 5 - postgraduate 6 - doctoral
Name of program/Producer domain level subject
6. Distance Education
6.1. What kind of courses do/did you provide/use on distance?
Level: 1 - primary 2 - secoundary, 3 - college
4 - high school 5 - postgraduate 6 - doctoral
Media: 1 - radio, 2 - TV, 3 - audio-conference
4 - video-conference 5 - computer conference 6 - CD-ROM
7 - other .............)
Title Domain Level Media Number of Duration Cost
Organizer particip. months USD
How long do/did you study at distance? month
Do you have individual programme of study? (1- yes, 2 - no ) ____
6.2. What is your opinion on distance education?
6.3. If you have some interesting materials (books, articles,
audio cassettes, video cassettes) on distance education could you
please send information or copy (if possible).
7. Videoconference Systems
For which courses do/did you use videoconference systems in education
Level: 1 - primary 2 - secoundary, 3 - college
4 - high school 5 - postgraduate 6 - doctoral
Title of course Domain Level months # of stud Cost USD
8. What is your main motivation for distance teaching/learning?
low costs of study : ___ 1 - yes 0 - no
easy access : ___
cost effective : ___
individualization of education: ___
more effective : ___
9. Please give some factors which determine development
of media and distance education.
a) positive
------------------------------- -----------------------------
------------------------------- -----------------------------
------------------------------- -----------------------------
b) negative
------------------------------- -----------------------------
------------------------------- -----------------------------
10. Do you like to study/teach using: ( 1 - yes 0 - no )
computer : ___ CD-ROMs : ___
video : ___ videoconference system: ___
audio cassettes : ___ phone/fax : ___
TV : ___ radio : ___
________________ : ___ ____________________ : ___
11. Do you prefer in education? ( 1 - yes 0 - no )
technology (general) : ___ film : ___
printed text : ___ TV programmes : ___
graphic information : ___ voice media : ___
computer communication : ___ interaction : ___
theory-oriented courses : ___ practical-oriented courses:___
self-study : ___ contact with experts :___
12. Which other technical tools you use in education ?
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