Re: Szyfrowanie poczty elektronicznej.

Autor: Wojtek Bogusz (
Data: Thu 03 Aug 1995 - 11:16:03 MET DST


>>>>> "Tomasz" == Tomasz Wojcikowski <> writes:
Tomasz> Czy ktos uzywa programow szyfrujacych e-mail?

Jasne ze tak :-)

Tomasz> Jak jest z legalnoscia uzytkowania tego typu oprogramowania
Tomasz> (np. PGP 2.6.2.i) w Polsce?

Fragment z ksiazki "PGP" Simsona Garfinkela (O'Reilly & Associates,
                     Is PGP Legal ?

PGP has had problems with both patent violations and U.S. expon
restrictions in the past. Now that new versions of the program exist,
how can you be sure that you are using PGP legally?

  - Early versions of PGP could not be used in the United States without
     violating patents on public key cryptography. It is now possible
     to use PGP Version 2.6 and later versions for noncommercial
     purposes in the United States, thanks to a license agreement I
     describe later in this preface.

  - If you wish to use PGP for commercial purposes within the United States,
    you must purchase a license for the program from ViaCrypt. (Appendix A
    describes how.)

  - Any version of PGP can be used outside the United States without
    infringing on public key cryptography patents. However, PGP cannot
    be exponed without violating U.S. expon restrictions.

  - Outside the United States, use PGP Version 2.6ui. This so-called
    "unofficial intemational" version was developed in Europe from an
    earlier version of PGP. It is readily available there,
    interoperates with Version 2.6, and does not have the restrictions
    on commercial use that the domestic versions of PGP have.

  - Outside the United States, do not use Version 2.6 (or later
    versions). Inside the United States, do not use Version 2.6ui. But
    those inside the United States (using Version 2.6 and later
    versions) and those outside the United States (using Version
    2.6ui) can communicate freely with each other without violating
    expon restrictions.

  - Outside the United States, be sure to check with your own
    country's authorities about the legalities of using encryption
    programs. Some countries prohibit private citizens from using such

Moze to cos wyjasni :-) ?
Wojtek Bogusz
| e-mail address: | Warsaw University | Hoza 69; Warszawa; Poland |
| | Physics Department | tel.(+48)(2)6283031x149 |
      finger -l for PGP Public Key


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