WAREZ nadal grasuje.

Autor: Jacek Piskozub (piskozub_at_iopan.gda.pl)
Data: Tue 01 Aug 1995 - 11:13:36 MET DST

Zacytuje fragmenty listu z comp.security.misc na temat "WAREZ". Samego
mnie dotknelo wiosna umieszczenie tychze "towarof" na moim serverze.
Lublinianin, ktorego za to dopadlem i ktory za kare mial zamkniete na
miesiac konto na UMCS okrzyczany zostal przez niektorych meczennikiem

We're not stopping warez. wrote:
>There are currently at least 400 people on the #warez* IRC channels. There
>have been no less than 4 "site lists" widely published over the last week.
>Blatantly people go on trading warez and hacked accounts, abusing the
>resources of others to do it. And they do it blatantly because they don't
>care. Nothing ever happens to them. The absolute worst penalty that they
>face is the loss of their account. A more common penalty is loss of a hacked
>account or the death of a site.
>This will not stop until somebody starts pressing charges against those who
>abuse the internet for trading warez. At the very least, the ftp site admins
>who's systems are abused have clear criminal and civil cases (in the US,
>where easily 90% of this occurs). Instead of immediately deleting the site
>when it is found, they should keep their ftp logs and seek to at least bring
>charges against every single person who transferred pirated software there.
>At the very least, full logs should be sent to their sysadmins and action
>should be demanded.

Zgadzam sie calkowicie. Moje doswiadczenie nauczlo mnie tego samego. Z
tym, ze niektorzy admini nawet to zignoruje piszac "to jeszcze nie
dowod". Przypomna mi to scene z Monty Pythona, gdzie celnik nie wierzy,
ze zegarki przywiezione ze Szwajcarii zostaly tam zakupione "Mogl je pan
kupic w Londynie i zawiesc tam i spowrotem" :-))))


>This is a game to them. A site goes down or an account dies, and they can
>always get more. Considering the number of these pirates out there, it
>wouldn't be hard for people who really cared about stopping it for good to
>find and prosecute a few of them. Site lists shouldn't be posted to the
>security newsgroups, they should be mailed to the administrators of the
>systems in question with advise on how to handle the situation. Otherwise,
>they're going to be taken down before evidence can be captured.
>I don't give a damn about stamping software piracy, that's someone else's
>problem. I do give a damn about stoping the abuse of systems on the internet
>to further software piracy, and that's become my problem, and the problem of
>a whole lot of people.

[oryginalnie bez podpisu]

Jacek Piskozub
	Institute of Oceanology PAS, Sopot, Poland

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