Autor: Piotr Plociennik (
Data: Tue 13 Jun 1995 - 16:32:17 MET DST
Drodzy Internauci;
Tym razem na serio. Nie jest to glupawa opowiesc o wirusie
zawartym w liscie i przesylanym za pomoca poczty elektronicznej.
Zbiory PKZ300B.EXE i PKX300B.ZIP, ktore wygladaja jak kolejne
wersje popularnego PKZIP zawieraj9 groznego wirusa kasujacego zbiory
na dysku twardym.
Nie nalezy ich sciagac poprzez FTP i rozpakowywyc/uruchamiac.
Piotr Plociennik
Warning!!! PKZ300B.EXE & PKX300B.ZIP may appear to be upgrades to
the popular compression utility, but they're actually pretty
nasty virus programs. These will erase all the files from the
hard drive of DOS machines when executed or unzipped,
Found this on alt.comp.virus
Newsgroups: alt.comp.virus
Subject: Re: Virus in PKZ300B?
>Dear PKWare Support Folks,
>Can you please verify the authenticity of this report? I am sure
>others besides myself would like to be sure before notifying tens of
>thousands of users of a potential hazard.
>Please copy the list in your reply.
>Thanks for your time,
It is confirmed. PKZ300B.ZIP/EXE is a trojan version.
Mark Gresbach
--- PKWARE Inc. Creators of PKZIP, PKLITE, PKZMENU, 9025 N. Deerwood Drive StupenDOS, PKZFIND, etc Brown Deer, WI 53223 Anonymous ftp site - Tel: 414-354-8699 Fax: 414-354-8559 BBS: 414-354-8670 *-----
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