Autor: Maciek Uhlig (
Data: Sat 11 Mar 1995 - 17:10:18 MET
Przesylam list od administracji Clintona/Gore'a do organizatorow
"Internetu dla Szkol"
Maciek Uhlig
Maciej UHLIG, Computer Center, Silesian University
Uniwersytecka 4 St., 40-007 KATOWICE, POLAND Voice: +48 (32) 588211 (1768) Fax: +48 (32) 596847
***** Imagine all the people sharing all the world (John Lennon) *****
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Subject: IdS: Opening ceremony of the "Internet for High Schools in Poland"
On behalf of the Clinton Administration, I would like to welcome you onto
the Internet. President Clinton and Vice President Gore both believe
strongly that the Internet is a powerful tool for learning that will
enable students throughout the world to find the information they need,
to communicate with other students, and to make new friends around the world.
Just two days ago, Vice President Gore visited a school outside of
Washington, DC, to launch a new initiative to connect more American
schools to the Internet and to develop new software and curriculum that
will make it easier for students and teachers to use the amazing power of
digital technologies.
Today, all of us--no matter how old we are--are students. Every day
there are new technological developments and new discoveries; we can't
afford to stop learning. Luckily, tools like the Internet make
"life-long learning" easy, no matter where you are.
For the last seven years, I have worked with Vice President Gore on
technology and telecommunications issues and I have heard him talk
hundreds of times about the need to connect schoolchildren around the
world to the information highway so they can explore for themselves the
wealth of information available there--text, imagery, voice, and video.
I commend the people who are helping make that possible in Poland and
look forward to learning more about your project (via the Internet, of
Congratulations. See you in cyberspace!
Michael R. Nelson, Ph.D.
Special Assistant, Information Technology
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
Washington, DC 20500
FAX 202-456-6023
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