Autor: Chad Turek (
Data: Sun 29 Jan 1995 - 10:39:40 MET
Nie calkiem na temat.
Rozmowa Linux users podczas trzesienia ziemi z Seattle 01/28/95 o 7:11.
(uwierzcie mi te 5.0 poprzekrecalo mi fonty na ekranie)
Chad Turek
University of Washington
dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Seattle, WA
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 28 Jan 95 19:32:36 -0800
From: Randy Chapman <>
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: QUAKE!!
<billy> but i mailed them asking and no one responded
<billy> I was supposed to buy it for #Linux about 3 weeks ago
<Thaddeus> we're having a fuckign earthquake!?!?SDF
<Thaddeus> OH SHIT
<billy> no one from there ever answered me
<Thaddeus> HOLY SHITY
<Jalapeno_> jzc: ok.
<Thaddeus> OOH FUCK
<thrashgod> thad : hold on..
* billy pats thaddues on the head
<thrashgod> hehehe
<billy> grab someone's tits
* thrashgod turns on CNN..
<billy> its a perfect excuse
<Thaddeus> JUUSZUS fuck it's still going
<thrashgod> and sees the response time
<Thaddeus> HOLY SHIYT
<QJ> in washington?
<Thaddeus> my god I'm fucking shaking
<argon> stand under a doorway..
<Thaddeus> adrenalin
<cairnss> Anybody know about the Alpha linux port
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