URL o Spoofingu!

Autor: Krzysztof Mlynarski (krzysio_at_hebe.umcs.lublin.pl)
Data: Thu 26 Jan 1995 - 22:31:34 MET

Edward Vielmetti wrote:
>From firewalls-owner_at_GreatCircle.COM Thu Jan 26 01:25:25 1995
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 18:30:24 -0500 (EST)
From: Edward Vielmetti <emv_at_recepsen.aa.msen.com>
To: firewalls
Subject: Re: CERT Advisory CA-95:01.IP.spoofing.attacks
Message-ID: <Pine.BSI.3.91.950125181359.24430V-100000_at_recepsen.aa.msen.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Sender: firewalls-owner_at_GreatCircle.COM
Precedence: bulk

(As requested by Brent Chapman.)

I have put together a web page on the spoofing attack. See
It has links to commercial sites that have documentation on how to
configure routers to block such attacks, as well as pointers to mailing
lists which discussed the news as it happened. (Both Livingston and
Morning Star responded to my request for details, so at the very least
you can get their take on the problem.)

I am aware that there are documents missing from this page which would be
of use; some of that is because text versions are not yet available,
others are because I haven't gotten to them yet, and certainly there is
more to be said. It is however a start.

Several relevant documents are available only in postscript format; if
you have a text to postscript conversion tool that's your favorite fling
it my way.

If you have details to add I have a mailbox set up for the purpose:
mail to
will drop into a separate folder for news and reference.

I am also putting out a (semi) regular newsletter, "tubed", which includes
some commentary on events such as this, and when I get a story written
down to the point where I can send it out to a list that has some
non-techno-geek people who I want to keep reading it :) I'll send it
there. To request a subscription send mail to
with contact information.



Edward Vielmetti / emv_at_msen.com / Ann Arbor, MI

  | E-mail:                        =Unix/Network Security Expert= |
  | krzysio_at_hebe.umcs.lublin.pl    IRC:  Krzysio    Radio: SQ5ASM |
  | root_at_hebe.umcs.lublin.pl       Voice phone:   +48-81-37-56-76 |
  | 3W home page: http://hebe.umcs.lublin.pl/Krzysio/Krzysio.html |
  |                                                               |
  |     "You can't kill ... what was killed before ..."           |
  |                                     - unknown vampire         |

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