Re: Sun FlashBack 1171: CERT Advisory: IP Spoofing Attacks and Hijacked Terminals

Autor: Szymon Sokol (
Data: Thu 26 Jan 1995 - 15:50:49 MET

Rafal Maszkowski ( wrote:
: Czyli source-routing tych pakietow nie jest potrzebny?
Nie jest.

: A to?
: From: (Jim Prescott)
: Newsgroups:,,
: Subject: Re: CERT advisory -- details
: [...]
: tcpdump -l ether src A:A:A:A:A:A and ! src host B.B.B.B and
: src net C.C.C
: where A is the ethernet address of your router port, B is the IP address
: of your router and C is the network that your router routers to you.
: [...]

A to jest niezla idea, ale to jest tylko wykrywanie, a nie zapobieganie -
co mi z tego, ze zarejestruje wlamanie, jesli moze po 5 minutach juz nie bedzie
logu, a nawet calego filesystemu... :-(

                       Szymon Sokol -- Network Manager
U    U M     M M     M University of Mining and Metallurgy, Computer Center
U    U MM   MM MM   MM ave. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, POLAND
U    U M M M M M M M M TEL. +48 12 338100 EXT. 2885  FAX +48 12 338907
 UUUU  M  M  M M  M  M WWW page:

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