Autor: Tomasz Kokowski (kokowski_at_CS.PUT.Poznan.PL)
Data: Wed 25 Jan 1995 - 14:18:53 MET
Przesylam kopie magazynu FlashBack (Sun) traktujacego o ostatniej serii
wlaman. *To nie bylo po source routing*.
Tomasz Kokowski
> FlashBack 1171: CERT Advisory: IP Spoofing Attacks and Hijacked Terminals
> ==========================================================================
> The CERT Coordination Center has received reports of attacks in which
> intruders create packets with spoofed source IP addresses. These
> attacks exploit applications that use authentication based on IP
> addresses. This exploitation leads to user and possibly root access on
> the targeted system. Note that this attack does not involve source
> routing. Recommended solutions are described in Section III below.
> From: (CERT Advisory)
> Address: Software Engineering Institute
> Carnegie Mellon University
> Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213-3890
> Phone: +1 412 268-7090
> Fax: +1 412 268-6989
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> CA-95:01 CERT Advisory January 23, 1995
> ========================================
> IP Spoofing Attacks and Hijacked Terminal Connections
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> In the current attack pattern, intruders may dynamically modify the
> kernel of a Sun 4.1.X system once root access is attained. In this
> attack, which is separate from the IP spoofing attack, intruders use a
> tool to take control of any open terminal or login session from users
> on the system. Note that although the tool is currently being used
> primarily on SunOS 4.1.x systems, the system features that make this
> attack possible are not unique to SunOS.
> As we receive additional information relating to this advisory, we will
> place it, along with any clarifications, in a CA-95:01.README file.
> CERT advisories and their associated README files are available by
> anonymous FTP from We encourage you to check the README
> files regularly for updates on advisories that relate to your site.
> I. Description
> ===============
> This description summarizes both the IP spoofing technique that can
> lead to root access on a system and the tool that intruders are using
> to take over open terminal and login connections after they get root
> access. We are currently seeing attacks in which intruders combine IP
> spoofing with use of the tool. However, these are two separate actions.
> Intruders can use IP spoofing to gain root access for any purpose;
> similarly, they can highjack terminal connections regardless of their
> method of gaining root access.
> IP spoofing
> ++++++++++++
> To gain access, intruders create packets with spoofed source IP
> addresses. This exploits applications that use authentication based on
> IP addresses and leads to unauthorized user and possibly root access on
> the targeted system. It is possible to route packets through
> filtering-router firewalls if they are not configured to filter
> incoming packets whose source address is in the local domain. It is
> important to note that the described attack is possible even if no
> reply packets can reach the attacker.
> Examples of configurations that are potentially vulnerable include
> o routers to external networks that support multiple internal interfaces
> o routers with two interfaces that support subnetting on the internal
> network
> o proxy firewalls where the proxy applications use the source IP
> address for authentication
> The IP spoofing attacks we are currently seeing are similar to those
> described in two papers: 1) "Security Problems in the TCP/IP Protocol
> Suite" by Steve Bellovin, published in _Computer Communication Review_
> vol. 19, no. 2 (April 1989) pages 32-48; 2) "A Weakness in the 4.2BSD
> Unix TCP/IP Software" by Robert T. Morris. Both papers are available
> by anonymous FTP from
> Bellovin paper:
> Morris paper:
> Services that are vulnerable to the IP spoofing attack include
> o SunRPC & NFS
> o BSD UNIX "r" commands
> o anything wrapped by the tcp daemon wrappers - site dependent; check
> your configuration
> o X windows
> o other applications that use source IP addresses for authentication
> Hijacking tool
> +++++++++++++++
> Once the intruders have root access on a system, they can use a tool to
> dynamically modify the UNIX kernel. This modification allows them to
> hijack existing terminal and login connections from any user on the
> system.
> In taking over the existing connections, intruders can bypass one-time
> passwords and other strong authentication schemes by tapping the
> connection after the authentication is complete. For example, a
> legitimate user connects to a remote site through a login or terminal
> session; the intruder hijacks the connection after the user has
> completed the authentication to the remote location; the remote site is
> now compromised. (See Section I for examples of vulnerable
> configurations.)
> Currently, the tool is used primarily on SunOS 4.1.x systems. However,
> the system features that make this attack possible are not unique to
> SunOS.
> II. Impact
> ===========
> Current intruder activity in spoofing source IP addresses can lead to
> unauthorized remote root access to systems behind a filtering-router
> firewall.
> After gaining root access and taking over existing terminal and login
> connections, intruders can gain access to remote hosts.
> III. Solutions
> ===============
> A. Detection
> +++++++++++++
> IP spoofing
> ------------
> If you monitor packets using network-monitoring software such as
> netlog, look for a packet on your external interface that has both its
> source and destination IP addresses in your local domain. If you find
> one, you are currently under attack. Netlog is available by anonymous
> FTP from
> MD5 checksum: 1dd62e7e96192456e8c75047c38e994b
> Another way to detect IP spoofing is to compare the process accounting
> logs between systems on your internal network. If the IP spoofing
> attack has succeeded on one of your systems, you may get a log entry on
> the victim machine showing a remote access; on the apparent source
> machine, there will be no corresponding entry for initiating that
> remote access.
> Hijacking tool
> ---------------
> When the intruder attaches to an existing terminal or login connection,
> users may detect unusual activity, such as commands appearing on their
> terminal that they did not type or a blank window that will no longer
> respond to their commands. Encourage your users to inform you of any
> such activity. In addition, pay particular attention to connections
> that have been idle for a long time.
> Once the attack is completed, it is difficult to detect. However, the
> intruders may leave remnants of their tools. For example, you may find
> a kernel streams module designed to tap into existing TCP connections.
> B. Prevention
> ++++++++++++++
> IP spoofing
> ------------
> The best method of preventing the IP spoofing problem is to install a
> filtering router that restricts the input to your external interface
> (known as an input filter) by not allowing a packet through if it has a
> source address from your internal network. In addition, you should
> filter outgoing packets that have a source address different from your
> internal network in order to prevent a source IP spoofing attack
> originating from your site.
> The following vendors have reported support for this feature:
> o Bay Networks/Wellfleet routers, version 5 and later
> o Cabletron - LAN Secure
> o Cisco - RIS software all releases of version 9.21 and later
> o Livingston - all versions
> If you need more information about your router or about firewalls,
> please contact your vendor directly.
> If your vendor's router does not support filtering on the inbound side
> of the interface or if there will be a delay in incorporating the
> feature into your system, you may filter the spoofed IP packets by
> using a second router between your external interface and your outside
> connection. Configure this router to block, on the outgoing interface
> connected to your original router, all packets that have a source
> address in your internal network. For this purpose, you can use a
> filtering router or a UNIX system with two interfaces that supports
> packet filtering.
> NOTE: Disabling source routing at the router does not protect you from
> this attack, but it is still good security practice to do so.
> Hijacking tool
> ---------------
> There is no specific way to prevent use of the tool other than
> preventing intruders from gaining root access in the first place. If
> you have experienced a root compromise, see Section C for general
> instructions on how to recover.
> C. Recovery from a UNIX root compromise
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> 1. Disconnect from the network or operate the system in
> single-user mode during the recovery. This will keep users
> and intruders from accessing the system.
> 2. Verify system binaries and configuration files against the
> vendor's media (do not rely on timestamp information to
> provide an indication of modification). Do not trust any
> verification tool such as cmp(1) located on the compromised
> system as it, too, may have been modified by the intruder.
> In addition, do not trust the results of the standard UNIX
> sum(1) program as we have seen intruders modify system
> files in such a way that the checksums remain the same.
> Replace any modified files from the vendor's media, not
> from backups.
> -- or --
> Reload your system from the vendor's media.
> 3. Search the system for new or modified setuid root files.
> find / -user root -perm -4000 -print
> If you are using NFS or AFS file systems, use ncheck to
> search the local file systems.
> ncheck -s /dev/sd0a
> 4. Change the password on all accounts.
> 5. Don't trust your backups for reloading any file used by
> root. You do not want to re-introduce files altered by an
> intruder.
> The CERT Coordination Center thanks Eric Allman, Steve Bellovin, Keith
> Bostic, Bill Cheswick, Mike Karels, and Tsutomu Shimomura for
> contributing to our understanding of these problems and their
> solutions.
> If you believe that your system has been compromised, contact the CERT
> Coordination Center or your representative in Forum of Incident
> Response and Security Teams (FIRST).
> If you wish to send sensitive incident or vulnerability information to
> CERT staff by electronic mail, we strongly advise that the e-mail be
> encrypted. The CERT Coordination Center can support a shared DES key,
> PGP (public key available via anonymous FTP on, or PEM
> (contact CERT staff for details).
> Internet E-mail:
> Telephone: +1 412-268-7090 (24-hour hotline)
> CERT personnel answer 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. EST(GMT-5)/EDT(GMT-4), and are
> on call for emergencies during other hours.
> Fax: +1 412-268-6989
> CERT Coordination Center
> Software Engineering Institute
> Carnegie Mellon University
> Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
> Past advisories, CERT bulletins, information about FIRST
> representatives, and other information related to computer security are
> available for anonymous FTP from
> CERT is a service mark of Carnegie Mellon University.
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> The Sun FlashBack - A Full-Text On Demand Newsletter
> John J. McLaughlin Publisher & Editor - flash_at_FlashBack.COM
To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Wed 19 May 2004 - 15:49:49 MET DST