Re: Announce: X PC Server

Autor: Grzegorz Wrobel (
Data: Wed 11 Jan 1995 - 13:48:27 MET

Grzegorz Wrobel ( wrote:
: Wysylam krotki opis.

  Przepraszam za followup do siebie ale napisalem, ze wysylam opis, no i nie
  calkiem mi sie to udalo. Tym razem ma nadzieje bedzie lepiej.

  Grzegorz Wrobel


[ README.netboot - Basic documentation for the Diskless Linux Xterminal ]

This package allows you to boot PC-s from the network and run Linux
X-servers on them. The PC's must have 386 processor, 4M ram and a
floppy drive or harddisk, WD or SMC ethernet card, and a mouse.

This work is based on:
o Jamie Honan's netboot.zoo and rampatch12
o Rick Sladkey's nfsmount code
o Linux V0.99pl12 kernel source by various authors

I n s t a l l a t i o n s t e p s:
1. Choose a host that will be your bootp and tftp server. This host
must be able to handle bootp and tftp requests coming from the clients.
Read the man pages of tftp, tftpd, bootp, bootpd, bootptab for detailed
information about these services and how to enable them.
- Use the sample bootptab file to create your own bootp configuration file.
  If done, try out if it works, using a bootp client.
- Copy the zNetBoot image into a proper directory and make it world readable.
  Try out, if you can download it using a simple tftp client.

2. Choose a host that will be the NFS server. This can be the same machine
as the bootp/tftp server. Create a directory, and untar the nfsdir archive
into it. Insert the <IP address>:<nfs dir to mount> string into the bootptab
file, as in the sample bootptab file. Note that this string must be shorter
than 30 characters! Edit your /etc/exports file, and export this directory
for every client host. read-only export is fine. Now, try to mount this
directory from a client.
On the NFS server, edit the <nfsdir>/etc/.startup file. Change the hostaddress
after -query to the XDMCP server you want to login to from the clients. You
can use -indirect or -broadcast for special queries as well. Every client
will start the program in the first line of .startup. The option
-xconfig /usr/lib/X11/ will be appended to this line
automaticaly by the startup program. If you want to ignore this appended
extra option, use the -I option of X. See X -?...
You have to edit two more files on the NFS server in <nfsdir>:
 hosts, resolv.conf See this files for more info.

3. Choose a DOS machine where you can compile the proper boot images for
every client. Install a complete Turbo C 2.0 with tasm on this PC. Yes,
this is the old little TC2.0, not the ugly TC++ 2.0! Un-arj the netboot.arj
archive somewhere on this DOS-box. To compile a fimage.bin or a
file for a client, edit config.h to set the proper int, i/o, mem base values.
Then do a make clean, make net8003. At last, type make fimage.bin or
make to generate the file. If using floppy boot, rawrite the
generated fimage.bin onto a blank formatted floppy disk, using the rawrite.exe
program. If booting from hard-disk, generate a and copy it into
c:\dos, then edit your config.sys, and insert the following line:
shell=c:\dos\ It is recommended to use a config-sys menu program,
like bootcon.sys, or the built in boot-menu feature of DOS 6.0 or higher.

4. Choose a client machine. Get the ethernet address of it's WD card, and
his IP address. Insert a new line into the bootptab file on the bootp server
for this client, as can be seen in the sample bootptab file.
Now, get the setup of the WD card: interrupt, memory base, i/o port.
Make a bootable floppy disk or a file, as written above.
Create a new file in the <nfsdir>/usr/lib/X11
directory on the nfs server. This file will be used as the X-server
configuration file for this client. Edit the mouse and video settings
if needed. Note that the name of the file contains the IP address of the
client, in a special 0 padded form. So the length of the filename is always 23.
Some info about writing X386 style Xconfig files can be found in ./Xconfig.

If ready and you have TONS OF LUCK, after booting the client using a floppy
or, you will see the following procedure, which takes cca. 30 secs:
1. netboot image starts and founds your ethernet address,
2. the bootp server will respond
3. the zNetBoot image will be downloaded using tftp
4. the Linux kernel starts, it checks all the hardware
5. the ramdisk will be mounted as root
6. netconf will start as the init process, it will print the network
   configuration string.
7. Using the information in this string, netconf will configure the linux
   network support doing all the ifconfig, route add, nfs mount things.
8. After NFS mounted succesfully, /etc/startup will start. It reads
   the /etc/.startup file and starts the X server program.
9. The X is coming up, reading the Xconfig file, video card type will be
   detected, dot clock will be found and the screen will switch to graphics
10.The login screen of the XDMCP server will come up. You can log in.

F i l e s :
        This is a sample bootptab file. You have to configure the
        bootp server with this bootptab file. The description of
        each field in bootptab follows:
        bf: boot file name, this file will be downloaded using tftp
                by all the clients. The file must be available on the
                bootp/tftp server (these two must be the same host!) with
                world readable permissions.
        sm: The netmask value in your local network.
                Run /etc/ifconfig to get these address.
        lg: log server, here used as the broadcast address of the network.
                Run /etc/ifconfig to get these address.
        lp: lp server, here used as the network address for the routing
                table. Run /etc/route if you dont know this address.
        gw: The default gateway for routing table, run /etc/route to get
                this address.
        T99: The hostname:dirname string. This directory will be mounted
                using NFS on each client. This string must be shorter than 32
                characters, so use short dirname.
        The other fields must be set up as can be seen in the sample bootptab
        file, these fields are: bs=auto, vm=rfc1048.

        This image will be downloaded using tftp by every client at netboot
        startup. This image must be located in a world readable directory,
        with the world read permission bit set.

        This file contains the fimage.bin and files for all the
        combinations of the following WD card setups:
        mem base c800 or d000, int 5 or 3, i/o port 280 or 300.
        In each of the 8 possible subdirectories, there is a fimage.bin
        and a file. rawrite.exe is included.

        Unarj this to a DOS machine if you are using strange WD setups.
        Install a Turbo C 2.0 with Tasm, edit config.h and recompile it
        to generate your own booting images.

        This file should be untarred onto the NFS server and
        exported read-only for every client host.
        The IP address of the NFS server and the directory where this
        package goes, should be placed into the bootptab file as T99.
        This string must be shorter than 32 characters.

T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g
There are soooo many points, where this operation can stop, and soooo many
possibilities of misconfiguration, that you need experience to get this
stuff working. I do want to hear your questions, if you have some. I do
want to hear your comments as well. I'll try to help those people, who give
me detailed, full descriptions of their problem. But hey, I cant make it
working for you! It works for me and I give every information I can, but
maybe that's not enough. You will have to find out what's wrong in your network
environment, or in your setup. Please do not forget that. And if it works
for you, dont forget to drop me a note, please :)
If you want to see the sources of all this stuff, I can send them to you.
I didn't include them in this package because they are not needed to get
things working, and some parts of it are a little bit ugly :)

T o d o l i s t
o Upgrade to Linux v1.0 (It works with pl12 now, somewhat old)
o currently no swapping is done, but it isn't necessary I think.
  With 4M RAM, you can start 20 Xmosaic's, the Xserver will quit only
  after the 21st.
o more Docs needed

Saby (
Szijarto Szabolcs - Technical University of Budapest
BME-VIIK-MMT Diskless Linux Xterminal project 1994.

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