Wirus przez poczte?

Autor: Jarek Lis (lis_at_asic.ict.pwr.wroc.pl)
Data: Tue 06 Dec 1994 - 11:08:26 MET

Ciekowostka, wirus roznoszacy sie z listami. W pierwszej
chwili pomyslalem - bujda. Ale jak pomysle, ze list MIME
moze wykonac sporo rzeczy zanim go przeczytam, to moze nie jest to takie

Czy ktos ma dostep do AOL, zeby sprawdzic te informacje?

Date: Mon, 05 Dec 1994 16:10:50 -0300
Subject: (Fwd) VIRUS warning
Sender: "ALGAE-L : digest information on botany"
To: Multiple recipients of list ALGAE-L
Reply-to: "ALGAE-L : digest information on botany"
Message-id: <01HKA8MX7IJM0034N3_at_AC.DAL.CA>
Organization: Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
X-To: algae-l_at_irlearn.ucd.ie

Dear Algae-l users

I have just received the message below via a fellow e-mail user:

There is a virus on America Online being sent by E-Mail. If you get
anything called "Good Times", DON'T read it or download it. It is a
virus that will erase your hard drive. Forward this to all your friends.
It may help them a lot.
 Edinburgh University Computing Support, George Square Library,

Stephen J.M. Droop
Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh EH3 5LR, UK

Tel.: +44 31 552 7171; Fax: +44 31 552 0382

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Wed 19 May 2004 - 15:47:19 MET DST