Kanada a sprawa polska

Autor: Witold Owoc (wowoc_at_acs.ucalgary.ca)
Data: Tue 29 Nov 1994 - 21:05:06 MET

Dokument ktory cytuje ponizej i duzo wiecej na temat rejestracji
w domenie *.ca mozna znalezc pod

Pomyslalem, ze podziele sie z Wami jak rejestruje sie domeny
w Kanadzie (USA jest kiepski przykladem, tam "kazdy" wie,
ze Internet=USA).

Zalaczam obszerne (40%) fragmenty opisu jak wypelnic rozne pola
na podaniu i jak wybrac swoja nazwe.
Zasadniczo caly dokument mozna by przetlumaczyc na polski i uzywac, ale
po wykoncypowaniu jak skrocic nazwy wojewodztw. Moze PESEL uzywa jakichs
skrotow albo Urzedy Skarbowe ?

Aha, wszystkie uniwersytety z prawem nadawania doktoratu
maja nazwy UBlaBla.ca - glownie ze wzgledow historycznych ale
nie tylko.

Witold Owoc <wowoc_at_acs.ucalgary.ca>

CA Subdomain Application Instructions (Updated 1994 September 19)


Please note that your application is being made on behalf of your
entire organization. As such, it is important that you are authorized
to speak for your entire organization in this matter and that you
obtain the agreement of all interested parties within your
organization prior to submission.


Here is a description of each field of the application form:


   The name of the subdomain applied for. Since the CA domain is
   structured according to Canadian political geography, this will be
   of the form "yourorg.CA", or "yourorg.province-or-territory.CA", or

   "province-or-territory" is one of the following provincial and
   territorial abbreviations, as recommended by the Department of the
   Secretary of State: AB, BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, and
   YK. "locality" is the full name of a city, town, or village.
   Hyphens are used to replace spaces, e.g., Niagara-Falls,

   Here are requirements and guidelines to help determine the
   appropriate level of subdomain name for your organization:
   (1) second (national) level - To qualify for a second level domain,
       your organization must have offices or other points of presence
       (such as computer hosts or dial-up facilities) in more than one
       province or territory, or be incorporated or chartered
   (2) third (provincial or territorial) level - To qualify for a
       third level domain, your organization must have offices or
       other points of presence (such as computer hosts or dial-up
       facilities) in more than one locality, or be incorporated or
       registered provincially or territorially. Provincial and
       territorial governments, referral hospitals, and post-secondary
       degree or certificate granting educational institutions such as
       universities and colleges should have third level subdomain
   (3) fourth (municipal) level - Small organizations such as
       companies which do most of their business in one locality and
       bulletin board systems should apply for a fourth level or
       municipal subdomain name, as should organizations such as local
       hospitals, libraries, municipal governments, and schools.

   When applying for anything other than a fourth level subdomain
   name, please provide supporting information such as your
   incorporation number, office locations, etc.

   "yourorg" is a string that encodes the proper name of your
   organization. Determining the string is a matter of establishing
   the "corporate electronic identity" of your organization for years
   to come. This is something you should discuss with the individual
   in your organization whose authority includes the "corporate
   image". If the appropriate string is not immediately obvious to
   this person, then we suggest that you use the following steps to
   determine the string for which you are applying.
   (1) Start with the full proper name by which your organization
       conducts its business.
       e.g.: "AB Systems Incorporated", "University of Waterloo"
   (2) Remove all the blanks.
       e.g.: "ABSystemsIncorporated", "UniversityofWaterloo"
   (3) Remove truly extraneous components, if there are any.
       e.g.: "ABSystems", "UniversityWaterloo"
   (4) If it is excessively long, abbreviate by trimming the parts
       whose removal will result in the least loss of recognizability
       outside the sphere in which your organization is already well
       e.g.: "ABSystems", "UWaterloo"
   (5) Please choose a descriptive abbreviation of your organization's
       name, and try to avoid a cryptic abbreviation that defeats the
       objective of step (4) above. To repeat, it is essential that
       your choice be approved by the person in charge of your
       organization's corporate image. If you are in doubt about your
       choice, ask your CA Domain Committee member to offer an opinion
       before you submit the application.

   It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the right to use
   the name you have chosen.

   Obscene names are not permitted.

   Geographical place names, such as municipality and province names,
   are reserved.

   Legal characters are letters, digits, and the hyphen. You may mix
   upper and lower case, or use all upper or all lower case. Software
   will ignore case, and users can type in whatever case they like.
   You should capitalize your subdomain name as you wish it to appear
   in machine generated lists, such as the return address generated in
   your outgoing electronic mail. Hyphens may be used to separate
   words if necessary or consistent with normal references to the
   proper name of your organization.

   The CA domain registrar is the final authority on all matters
   relating to registration and subsequent use of your subdomain name.
   Your subdomain name must be approved by the CA domain registrar
   before it is used in network communications. If you devise further
   subdomains of your domain name, then you in turn will have final
   authority on matters relating to the use of those subdomains.

   Since the CA domain was first created, the requirements and
   guidelines have been modified from time to time. Although all
   existing registrations remain in effect, some registered subdomain
   names might not be permitted if applied for today. New
   applications and voluntary applications for re-registration will be
   considered using the current guidelines.


        MegaCo.CA National company.
        WidgetCo.PE.CA Provincial Company.
        CityAutoLtd.Melville.SK.CA Small business.
        AlphaBetaU.MB.CA University.



   Type of organization.

   For example:

        For-Profit Corporation
        Non-Profit Corporation
        For-Profit Partnership
        Ph.D. granting university
        High School
        Federal Government Branch
        Provincial Government
        Military Branch


   A short paragraph describing your organization. Please include any
   appropriate justification for your choice of subdomain level. For
   example, please state whether your corporation is federally or
   provincially incorporated, and whether your corporation has offices
   in more than one province.


   The name, title, full mailing address, phone number, facsimile
   number, and electronic address of an administrative contact for the
   organization. This person is within the subdomain's organization
   and is the contact point for administrative and policy questions
   about the subdomain. This person is responsible for this
   application and for any future changes. We recommend that you
   choose a person who is expected to be around and in a position of
   authority for many years, and that you use a properly-maintained
   generic electronic address.



   The name, title, full mailing address, telephone number, facsimile
   number, and electronic address of two or more technical contacts.
   This is the contact point for problems with the subdomain and for
   updating information about the subdomain. The registrar will
   verify changes by sending the current registration information back
   to the submitter and to the administrative contact. We recommend
   that you use a properly maintained generic electronic address.

   Don't list people who hate to get electronic mail. One or more of
   the contacts must read their mail often enough to respond quickly,
   should a problem arise. For very small organizations, it is
   permissible to have only one technical contact. It is appropriate
   to have at least one contact corresponding to each of the
   forwarders within the organization. Forwarders are described below.



   The latitude and longitude of the subdomain. (This can be taken as
   the location of the main organizational machine, or the
   headquarters, or the contact persons; usually the machine is used.)
   Give as much precision as you know; if you can determine the
   location only to the nearest minute, or the nearest few minutes,
   that's satisfactory. Include "city" only if you are using the
   location of your city center, for which information is often
   available in an atlas, at a library, City Hall, or a nearby
   airport. At a minimum, please provide the location of your city
   center. This field is used to draw maps.

   For example:
     52 04 05 N / 97 37 46 W
     52 04 N / 97 37 W city

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