Nowy NCSA -> 2.3.08

Autor: Cezar Cichocki (
Data: Sun 20 Nov 1994 - 16:25:09 MET


Nowa wersja pakietu NCSA (2.3.08) jest dostepna w,
katalog /pub/msdos/ncsa. Sa tam binaria, zrodla plus dokumentacja.
Ponizej zalaczam informacje o nowym NCSA.


p.s. Wyglada na to (patrz ostatnie zdanie dokumentu) ze to bedzie ostatnia
wersja na czas dluzszy...

NCSA Telnet 2.3.08

This is a maintenance release of NCSA Telnet for PCs running MS-DOS.

PC Telnet is available by FTP from
It is located in the /PC/Telnet/msdos direcory.
Relevant files are and

NCSA Telnet features a Telnet client, an FTP client, and LPR, Setclock,
RSH, REXEC, Finger, and Whois utilities. The Telnet client has VT100
support, can open multiple connections, has a scrollback buffer with
mouse support, can cut and paste from the scrollback buffer, allows
keyboard remapping, uses a packet driver and has internal drivers for
some hardware, and emulates a Tektronix 4014.

NCSA Telnet is public domain software and source is included.


Help screen keys limited to avoid paramater menu.
Fixed redraw for console when no open connections.
Command line usage display added newlines.
BOOTP repaired to not crash packet drivers.
GIN repair patch added.
Improper fragmentation identification fixed (Solaris users will notice).
Net14 uses port=xx option in
Ftpbin cursor repositions after shell out.
More GIN tuning
Ftpbin control messages all shown.
^Zs removed from ASCII transfers
Ftpbin internal more fixed.
UDP portlist structure minimized.
FTP mget response fixed.
Alt-T reloads keymap.
telpkt.exe binary added - packet driver only version (smaller)

This will probably be the last Telnet release in a long time. There
is no current Telnet development at NCSA, and even the changes released
today are quite old.

- PC Telnet technical support
                                    (o o)
| It's my private opinion! U |
| Cezar Cichocki | The best prevention against |
| Supervisor- network Administrator | viruses is not to buy a PC !|
| Dep. of Psychology |-----------------------------|
| Warsaw University POLAND ||

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Wed 19 May 2004 - 15:47:08 MET DST