Autor: Jaroslaw Rafa (
Data: Fri 14 Oct 1994 - 13:26:45 MET
Dostalem ostatnio taki list:
------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
To: (FTP Site Administrators)
Subject: America Online FTP Access
From: (AOL FTP Staff)
Date sent: Thu, 13 Oct 94 12:04:23 -0500
Dear FTP Administrators,
As you may be aware, America Online is preparing to make anonymous file
transfer available to its members. With well over one million members,
there is concern that Internet resources could be strained by the influx of
our members.
To help address this concern, we are requesting that AOL members limit
their FTP traffic to off-peak hours for sites. We would also like to work
with administrators to help manage load problems; if your site becomes unusuallburdened by America Online traffic, please contact us at
and we will work with you on providing a solution (such as providing local
We are already in the process of working with some administrators to provide
mirror access for America Online members, and hope to be able to provide
access to these mirrors to Internet users in the near future.
Thank you for your time and consideration. If you have any questions or
concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us immediately.
Robert Hirsh
America Online, Inc.
Czy ma ktos z uczestnikow polipa pomysl, w jaki sposob moglem dostac sie na
rzeczona liste "FTP Site Administrators". Moj serwer jest stosunkowo nowy i
bardzo sie zdziwilem, ze w Stanach o nim wiedza...
Jaroslaw Rafa,
To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Wed 19 May 2004 - 15:46:21 MET DST