Autor: Suave Lobodzinski (
Data: Sun 25 Sep 1994 - 04:09:50 MET
Focus Data Inc. opublikowal ostatnio statystyki dotyczace Internetu. Nie
chce kaleczyc poprzez tlumaczenie dlatego podaje wersje oryginalna. Oto
1. How many users will you provide Internet access for in your organization?
a)more than 250 59%
b)more than 100 41%
2.Key reasons for using the Internet (highest score 9):
a)e-mail 8.17
b)ftp 6.91
c)research 5.85
d)telnet 5.5
e)gopher 5.49
f)database queries 5.1
g)access news feeds 4.95
h)access news groups 4.15
3. What Internet access methods do you use/plan to use?
(multiple responses allowed)
a)direct digital access 57.6%
b)UUCP connection 28.2%
c)SLIP 18.8%
d)PPP 17.6%
e)shell account 8.2%
f)other 5.9%
4. What type of access line(s) are you using to reach your access
provider? (multiple answers allowed)
a)leased lines 65.6%
b)dial-up 26%
c)frame relay 15.6%
d)tall free dial-up 11.5%
e)X.25 9.4%
f)SMDS 5.1%
5. Does your organization have access from multiple sites?
a)yes - 79%
b)no - 21%
6. Key service and support issues (highest score 4)
24-hour support 3.15
integration services 2.55
end-user training 2.44
trouble ticket tracking 2.44
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/ ^ ^ \/^ ^\ OrangeNet -Finest Internet Connectivity in OC
/ ^ ^ ^ \ ^ ^ \ S. (Suave) M. Lobodzinski, Ph.D
/ \ \,
/ ^^ ^ ^ \__________________________________________________
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