IAT INFOBITS - Sept. 1994

Autor: Leszek Bogdanowicz (bogdanow_at_iai.kfk.de)
Data: Fri 23 Sep 1994 - 10:29:56 MET DST

>IAT INFOBITS September 1994 No. 15 ISSN 1071-5223
>INFOBITS is an electronic service of the Institute for Academic
>Technology's Information Resources Group. Each month we monitor and
>select from a number of information technology and instruction
>technology sources that come to our attention and provide brief notes
>for electronic dissemination to educators.
>If your system doesn't support World-Wide Web viewers like Mosaic,
>Lynx, Cello, etc., you can still retrieve information from WWW sites.
>CERN, the European research group that developed the World-Wide Web,
>now makes it possible for people to get Web pages by email.
>Send a message to: listproc_at_www0.cern.ch [note the character after www
>in the address is a zero] and in the body of the message type www and
>the Universal Resource Locator (URL) for the Web page you want. For
>example, to get a copy of Ellen Spertus' Women and Computer Science
>page mentioned above, send the message:
>www http://www.ai.mit.edu/people/ellens/gender.html
>To Subscribe
>INFOBITS is published by the Institute for Academic Technology. The IAT
>is a national institute working to place higher education at the
>forefront of academic technology development and implementation. A
>partnership between The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and
>IBM Corporation, the IAT strives to facilitate widespread use of
>effective and affordable technologies in higher education.
>To subscribe to INFOBITS, send email to listserv_at_unc.edu with the
>following message:
>SUBSCRIBE INFOBITS your_firstname your_lastname
>substituting your own first and last names.
>Example: SUBSCRIBE INFOBITS Georges Simenon
>INFOBITS is also available online on The University of Washington's
>Gopher server. Point your Gopher client to: ike.engr.washington.edu and
>travel through the following menu tree: Academic Technology
>Services/Institute for Academic Technology/Infobits
>If you have problems subscribing or want to send suggestions for future
>issues, contact Carolyn Kotlas at carolyn_kotlas_at_unc.edu

| Leszek Bogdanowicz (bogdanow_at_iai.kfk.de) f |
| Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (KfK) K Kffff K K |
| Institut fuer Angewandte Informatik (IAI) K K f K K |
| Postfach 3640, D-76021 Karlsruhe KK f KK |
| tel. ++49 7247 82 5774 K K f K K |
| fax. ++49 7247 82 5786 K K f K K |
 <A HREF="http://miserv1.kfk.de/~bogdanow/">My Home Page</A>

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