Autor: Jerzy Michal Pawlak (
Data: Wed 14 Sep 1994 - 12:56:11 MET DST
>Istnieje tez cos co sie zwie SoftPC. Nazwa mowi sama za siebie.
>Wchodzi to to nawet chyba w sklad SoftWindow (istnieje upgrade od
>SoftPC do SoftWindows), a wiec wynikaloby z tego ze SoftWindows
>potrafia tez wykonywac binaria DOSowe PC. A jezeli tak, to widocznie
>inteligentnie tlumacza tez odwolania do portow, pamieci i BIOSu PC, a
>nie tylko Windows API.
Jezeli mowimy o tym samym programie, to jest to produkt firmy Insignia
Solutions, ponizej cytuje fragmenty 'Software Product Description' do
wersji VMS-owej sprzedawanej przez DEC-a. (tylko takie SPD mam). Mam
nadzieje, ze nie naruszam copyrightu w ten sposob...
Wyglada z tego ze SoftPC nie umie 386 ani Windows - ale moze to problem
tylko wersji VMS-owej...
PRODUCT NAME: DEC SoftPC for OpenVMS, Version 4.0 SPD 32.18.02
DEC SoftPC for OpenVMS provides the user the with ability to operate
DOS-based software. The SoftPC[R] product emulates an IBM[R] PC/AT[R]
system (both real and protected mode) using standard hardware and soft-
ware. A DOS application functions in the SoftPC environment as it func-
tions on an IBM PC/AT providing it does not require special hardware
or copy protected diskette.
DEC SoftPC supports MOTIF, as well as the VT220. As such, it can be
executed on an OpenVMS system and can be displayed on a VT220 or a lo-
cal or remote MOTIF display station using LK201 or LK401 keyboards.
The performance of the SoftPC facility is dependent upon a number of
factors as well as the speed of the processor upon which it executes.
A VAXstation 4000/90 will deliver compute performance in the 386 range.
Graphics performance will be slower.
Applications used with SoftPC (except those DOS utilities included with
the SoftPC software) are not Digital licensed, warranted or supported
products. The user must comply with the terms and conditions of each
application software license agreement in effect between the user and
application supplier.
Communications applications may not operate in a like manner to a real
PC due to differences in signalling on the host processor and the PC
processor and the way in which the host processor handles interrupts.
Many communications programs do work correctly and it is recommended
these programs be tried before purchasing SoftPC.
Emulated Environment
CPU 80286 (real and protected mode) plus 80287 Nu-
meric Co-processor
Operating System DOS Version 5.0
Diskette 3.5 inch 2.88mb, 1.44mb and 720kb read/write,
5.25 inch high density read/write. 5.25 inch low
density read only Copy protection only supported
with SLAVEPC**. The ability to attach and use a
real PC floppy as your own.
** SlavePC support provided for the following
PS/2[R] model 30, COMPAQ[R], Vectra[R], DEC-
station 216 and 316, plus any that are 100%
compatible with the above.
Floppy drives A and B are supported
Hard disk C and D drives. Up to 300 MB each.
File Sharing E through Z can be mapped to a native directory
- either local or remote.
Communications COM1, COM2, COM3 and COM4 map to the system
port serial ports
Printer LPT1, LPT2 and LPT3 map to serial ports or
spooled device
Extended Memory Up to 16MB
Expanded Memory LIM 4.0 up to 32MB
CD-ROM supported as a file sharing device or with
Video CGA, Hercules[R], EGA, VGA and SVGA - or MDA on
Keyboard AT enhanced
Mouse Microsoft[R] bus mouse emulated
Clock CMOS clock
CMOS RAM Emulated as a file
Not supported Special hardware options requiring a PC bus,
PCSA container files
[R] SoftPC is a registered trademark of Insignia Solutions Inc.
To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Wed 19 May 2004 - 15:45:56 MET DST