mr misio:
|JEst po prostu szansa, ze nowa plyta moze nie chciec wspolpracowac z
|wycofanym ze sprzedazy nastoletnim systemem.
Oj proszę - nie WCIERAJ nam tu jedyniesłuszności najnowszej wersji i tak
jedynie słusznego systemu ;)
Wszak POŁOWA LUDZI nadal używa XP i nie ma NAJMNIEJSZEGO zamiaru narobić
sobie KŁOPOTÓW instalując najnowsze WYNALAZKI M$:
"Windows XP will still get security support in China
Windows XP remains the most popular PC operating system in the nation
By Michael Kan
March 3, 2014
IDG News Service - Microsoft is making a special exception in the way it
retires Windows XP in China, and will continue offering security support for
the OS to users in the nation.
To do so, the U.S. software giant is partnering with China's leading Internet
security vendors, Microsoft said in a Sunday posting on its official account
with Sina Weibo, a top social networking site in the country.
Among China's Internet users, about 57% rely on Windows XP systems to go
online, according to analytics site The OS can still be found in use
at Internet cafes, businesses and schools."